After the holidays, KSRE has several upcoming programs to help you with your operation. For more information, you can contact me at 620-793-1910. We hope to see you at our programs.
Calving School
On January 4th at 5:30 pm, 21 Central District will host a Calving School at the Stafford County Annex Building, 210 East Third, St. John.
The evening will start with a meal catered by Wheatland Café. Cost is $10 per person with the help of sponsors, including: South Fork Veterinary Hospital, Xtra Factors, and 701x Autonomous Rancher.
Dr A.J. Tarpoff, KSRE Beef Veterinarian will cover topics including: Stages of the normal calving process and tips to handle difficult calving situations, when and how to intervene, the calving process, and demonstrating proper use of calving equipment on a life-size cow and calf model.
A calving kit door prize drawing will happen at the end of the evening, sponsored by South Wind Animal Health.
To Register: call the Stafford County Extension Office at 620-549-3502. Please RSVP by December 27th, for meal planning.
Cow-calf Clinic, January 10th
Kansas State University beef extension specialists and agents will host a cow-calf production clinic January 10th at the Ellis County Extension office located at 601 Main St in Hays.
The clinic is scheduled from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and will focus on “Navigating Opportunities and Risks: Production and Forage Considerations,” with discussion on local conditions encountered by cow-calf producers.
The clinics will also include interactive polls, forage sampling in a drought year, implications of -forage sampling and presentation by K-State agricultural economist Jenny Ifft, who will discuss making dollars and cents of risk management tools.
There will be a $10 cost payable at the door and a meal will be provided. RSVP by Jan. 5th for a meal count by calling 785-628-9430 or emailing Theresa Meis at [email protected].
Agricultural Producers Meeting
Extension agents Clint Laflin and Alicia Boor will host a joint extension program in Ellsworth, Kans. on Thursday January 18th, 2023. Topics covered include financial budgeting, understanding interest rate trends, risk management insurance options, and farm family transitions.
Experts from local banks, the Kansas Farm Management Association, and Kansas State Research and Extension will serve as speakers, and be on hand to answer attendee questions.
Registration cost is $10 payable at the door by cash or check. The event will take place at the Ellsworth Health and Recreation Center: 221 West Douglas Ave, Ellsworth, KS 67439.
Registration begins at 9:00 a.m. with coffee and doughnuts provided, followed by our first speaker. The event will conclude by 3 p.m.
An RSVP is requested by Friday, January 12th to give organizers an accurate count for our catered lunch provided to attendees. To register please email or call Midway District Livestock Agent, Clint Laflin, at [email protected], or 785-483-3157.
Alfalfa and forage meeting to be held January 24th in Great Bend
K-State Research and Extension along with the Kansas Forage and Grasslands council are hosting an Alfalfa and Forage school on January 24th at the Burnside Room, 1214 Stone Street in Great Bend. The meeting will be held from 10-2 and will include discussions over planting practices, fertility, water use efficiency, economics, entomology, and weed control. The cost to attend is free for members of KFGC and 45.00 for non-members, which will include a one-year membership. RSVP to Alicia Boor at [email protected] or 620-793-1910 by January 19th.
Alicia Boor is an Agriculture and Natural Resources agent in the Cottonwood District (which includes Barton and Ellis counties) for K-State Research and Extension. You can contact her by e-mail at [email protected] or calling 620-793-1910
K-State Research and Extension is an equal opportunity employer and provider. Kansas State University, County Extension Councils, Extension Districts, and U.S. Department of Agriculture Cooperating.