Aug 18, 2024

Nicodemus Township History Trail Bike Tour Interview Series: Dani Roeder

Posted Aug 18, 2024 9:30 AM
(Courtesy photo)
(Courtesy photo)


Graham County resident, Dani Roeder is looking forward to the Nicodemus Township History Trail Bike Tour scheduled for October 12, 2024.  Dani will be serving as a volunteer at the second SAG (Support and Gear) station.

No stranger to volunteering, Dani served as a volunteer First Responder on the Graham County Fire Department for over 15 years.  Similar to many western Kansas residents, Dani is an avid outdoor enthusiast and knows the importance of proper nutrition and hydration while participating in outdoor activities.  Dani will bring this knowledge while staffing one of four SAG stops providing plenty of high caloric snacks and electrolyte replacement fluids. Dani is also aware of the need to practice good hygiene and will be encouraging hand sanitizing prior to allriders eating or drinking at the rest stops.

Ms. Roeder shared that she is very excited to be a part of this inaugural event showcasing the various historical signs of these early residents of western Kansas. The historical signs will describe and provide information as to the development and what happened in the Nicodemus Township and surrounding areas.  Topics of the signs include numerous schools, churches, mercantile business, sporting events and multiple cemeteries.  Aside from the historical significance of the ride, Dani would like to encourage others to participate by listing the amenities included:  the option of a short (21 mile) which will hit 11 historical signs or the long (33 mile) ride which will include all 14 signs.  Participants will receive a cool T-Shirt, meal, live music and a viewing of the documentary “Ellis Trail To Nicodemus”.  Other benefits include the beautiful Nicodemus historic scenery, exercise and of course, the companionship of other participants.   Dani said, stop to take a break and she will be happy to hang out with you.

To learn more about the ride and our history follow us on Facebook.  Interested riders should register via the Nicodemus Historical Society’s website at: .