Great Bend Post
GREAT BEND — Dry Lake Brewing requested permission to place a bike rack in front of their business on Main Street. In reviewing the request, the Great Bend City Attorney recommended changes in the city’s ordinances to include the use of micro-mobility device, which would consist of the electronic Bird scooters.
ordinance revisions were set to include scooters, but Great Bend City Council
member Cory Urban felt it was meaningless to revise an ordinance that is not
enforced. The code states no one is allowed to operate a bicycle or scooter on
a sidewalk in a business district, Jack Kilby Square, USD 428 property or
public ground of the city.
"What brought this up was a request for a bike rack," said Urban. "That
could be part of a consent agenda item and we can either deny it or
approve it that way. I don't see the modification of the ordinance

The requested ordinance change also states anyone who parks a bicycle or
scooter shall only park them in racks or approved areas. The Bird scooter
concept allows users to leave the devices almost anywhere on public land, not
necessarily a rack. Although city ordinances state no use of bikes on
sidewalks, Urban acknowledges that is the safest option.
"We had
this discussion last year when the Bird scooters first arrived," said
Urban. "Even the police chief stated it is safer to be on the sidewalk
than on the street. You're much more likely to get hit by a car and have
a big issue on the street than have to accidently move around somebody
on the sidewalk."
The consensus with the council was these ordinances were antiquated, and that an
overhaul of revisions may be needed in the future.
The motion to adopt the revised ordinance died, but the council will likely
address the request for the bike rack at Dry Lake Brewing in a consent agenda
item without changing an unenforced code.