Aug 30, 2024

North Oak Community Church to host women’s conference

Posted Aug 30, 2024 9:30 AM
Carrie Gaul (Courtesy Photo)
Carrie Gaul (Courtesy Photo)


The Women’s Ministry at North Oak Community Church will host a women’s conference on Saturday, Oct. 26.

The “Beholding Christ . . . Becoming Whole Conference” will take place from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the church, 3000 Oak St.

Speaking on-site will be Carrie Gaul of South Bend., Ind. Gaul is a speaker, author, and lay-counselor. “She will share how to experience more of Jesus’ presence, peace, and heart healing in one’s life and relationships,” a news release said.

The Bible scripture for the event is 2 Corinthians 3:18, “So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord.”

The early-bird registration of $25 is due by Sept. 10. The regular registration rate of $35 is due between Sept. 11 and Oct. 10. The later registration rate of $40 is due after Oct. 10.

Lunch is included. Childcare will be provided. Registration is available at

“Beholding Christ and Becoming Whole is the way of God’s Kingdom,” the news release said. “It’s not ‘do more and try harder.’ It’s not ‘hide well the pain and struggle that awakens you in the night.’ It’s not ‘bury deep the heartache you carry each day.’

“Beholding Christ . . . Becoming Whole is an invitation to come in truth as opposed to illusion, to enter the presence of the One who longs to be with you, the One who knows and sees and understands fully and welcomes you still.

“Beholding Christ . . . Becoming Whole is an invitation to experience more of the life you were created for, the Life Jesus came to give to you.”

Gaul serves as part of the Staff Care Team with Life Action Ministries of Buchanan, Mich. Founded in 1971, Life Action “helps churches, families, and leaders move toward revival, vitality, and mission,” according to its website.

Gaul is also a fellow with The Truth Collective, an organization created to share the gospel with women by revealing “what is true about who God is and how He sees women,” its website said.

Gaul and her husband, Dennis, have been married for 43 years and have two married children and two grandsons. She said she enjoys “good coffee with old and new friends, walks in the woods, and quiet mornings on the beach.”

Gaul also will be speaking to women during North Oak’s Sunday School hour, from 10 to 10:50 a.m., the following day, Sunday, Oct. 27. All women, whether they are able to attend the conference or not, are welcome to attend, organizers said.

Conference attendees also will have an opportunity to shop at WAR (Women At Risk) Chest Boutique.

The 501(c)3 non-profit boutique, located in Wyoming, Mich., has a two-fold mission, according to its website: “We seek to market and sell handcrafted items made by at-risk and rescued men and women from around the world, supporting culturally sensitive, value-added intervention projects, while educating shoppers about the risks the vulnerable face in our world.”

Amy Gelatt, one of the conference organizers, emphasized the church will receive no funds from WAR Chest sales at the conference. This is simply an opportunity for attendees to learn more about the organization and, if they wish, to purchase some of the items on display, she said. According to its website,, the group sells jewelry, ornaments, and bath and beauty products.

“There is so much brokenness in the world,” Gelatt said. “This brokenness is a worldwide problem that Jesus Christ came to solve.

“This conference is an opportunity to encourage one another in truth, to share one another’s burdens, to inspire each other to go on,” she said.