Strong economic development efforts start with investment and re-investment in our community.
As the city and county put tremendous efforts into housing, workforce development, daycare, and other like initiatives it may all fall short without an investment in our schools.

It is important to recognize, with this bond opportunity, it is more about space than condition. We are out of space in our schools. How do we entice new businesses and families if we cannot find room for their children in our schools?
Our children learn differently today, teachers teach differently today but our schools are not conducive to that teaching/learning environment. Investing in our schools by passing the current school bond effort ensures our schools remain attractive, current and with space for everyone, making it easier to attract and retain great teachers along with businesses and families.
Our peer schools have done it and it is now our time. I support yes votes on both questions on May 10, ensuring our community is ready for our future — ready to grow and thrive.
Successful schools are the foundation of successful communities.
Help Hays stay a great place to live, work, grow and learn! Vote yes on May 10.
Sandy Jacobs, Hays