The City of Hays and KSU Big Creek Middle Smoky Hill River Watersheds annual water conservation/water quality poster contest is open for entries.
The contest is open to Hays pre-kindergarten through 12th grade students, Fort Hays State University and Fort Hays Tech/North Central students, and community adults.

Water Poster Contest Rules include:
· “Know Water…Know Life” must be used as the theme on the poster
· Designed on 12 x 18 inch White poster paper
· Use of pencil, pastels, charcoal, pen, ink, markers, paint, watercolor, crayon, cut paper, 3-dimensional, or computer generated posters will be accepted
· Name, age, grade, and teacher/professor and school will need to be written in pencil on the back of the poster in the lower left hand corner
· Adult entries need to include name, address, and phone number on the back
· Posters can be made by individuals and do not need to be associated with a school or classroom
Water poster contest must share Water Conservation or Stormwater (water quality) messages, such as:
· Water Conservation simply means saving water. Messages could show how to reduce water usage indoors, outdoors, and/or at work. Specific messages might focus on bathroom or kitchen water saving efforts, more efficient landscapes utilizing native vegetation, soil health, or organic mulch, or installing high efficiency toilets, faucet aerators, or urinals in workplaces. To learn more, visit www.watersmarthays.com.
· Reducing the impact of stormwater and improving water quality as water leaves properties (residential or business) and enter Lincoln Draw, Chetolah Draw, or Big Creek is the goal. Messages could focus on pollutants including sediment (soil), nitrogen, phosphorus, E.coli bacteria, household chemicals, vehicle fluids, etc., that are harmful to water sources and tips for preventing the pollutants from leaving properties or tips on how to protect water sources. To learn more, visit www.MyKansasWatershed.com.
Deadlines & Dates to Remember:
· Posters due by Wednesday March 12, 2025, by 12 p.m., turned into school offices, city hall, or at Public Works Department
· Winners announced by Friday, March 28, 2025
· Awards Ceremony, Sternberg Museum, Tuesday, April 1, 2025, 6pm
For questions or more information, please contact Stacie Minson, KSU Watershed Specialist at 785-769-3297 (call or text) or [email protected] or Holly Dickman, City of Hays, Water Conservation Specialist at 785-628-7350 or [email protected]
* Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities (IDD) are designed for any individual, youth, or adult, with a mental or physical disability. To participate in the IDD category, a person must be diagnosed with intellectual disabilities and/or have significant learning or vocational difficulty.