Government surplus commodities will be distributed in Hays at Unite Free Shelves (inside The Gamers Guild), 200 E. 8th Street in Hays, on Tuesday, Jan. 28 from 7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m.
Commodities will be distributed on a first-come-first-serve basis until we run out. Doors will not open until 7:30 a.m.
To be eligible for commodities, your household's total monthly income must be below:
$1,632 Household of one
$2,215 Household of two
$2,798 Household of three
$3,380 Household of four
$3,963 Household of five
$4,546 Household of six
$5,129 Household of seven
$5,712 Household of eight
*Add $583 for each additional family member after eight
Commodities included in this distribution are anticipated to be: applesauce, black beans, whole kernel corn, tomatoes, long rice, beef stew, egg noodles, garbanzo beans, Alaskan pollock, raisins, fruit and nut mix, pouch of chicken, pork taco filling, collards, mixed vegetables, pollock nuggets, and wheat toast cereal.
Contact Brandon Nimz, Unite Ministry Leader with any questions at 785-259-2539.
Future commodity distribution times will be posted at: (https://unitehays.com/index.php/hays-commodity-distribution/)