A mascot is defined by Webster as "A person, animal or object adopted by a group as a symbolic figure, especially to bring them good luck."
In my opinion, the first step for the Hays High mascot committee would be to determine whether or not the current mascot meets this definition or if we need to start over.
I don’t believe Native Americans would fit this definition. Schools were one of the most negative places for Native Americans. The children were forced to give up their language and culture. They suffered all forms of abuse and were often beaten to death. We still haven’t recovered all of their bodies.

Native Americans were slaughtered, displaced, betrayed and placed on some of the most desolate land available. When some of the land turned out to be very valuable, the U S government tried to take it back.
Reservations are under the Department of the Interior which, until recently was run by a white male. The history of broken treaties is extensive and unique to the Native Americans. It is difficult to see how this group of people would bring good luck.
If we look at the definition of mascot from a fresh historical perspective, several ideas come to mind. (No, it doesn’t have to be a historical perspective.)
Eagle- any of various large diurnal birds of prey (family Accipitridae) noted for their strength, size, keenness of vision, and powers of flight
Bison – a strong animal that survived near extinction. Any of several large bovine mammals that have a long, broad head, short, hollow horns, heavy forequarters, a large muscular hump across the shoulders, and a shaggy mane on the head and lower neck and that typically live and migrate in herds
Settlers- One who settles in a new region-especially a region that has few occupants or that is occupied by a different ethnic or religious group
Trailblazer- A person who is paving the way in their field.
If the Eagle was chosen as a mascot, the logo could be a feather which would represent Eagles and Native Americans. A mural could be incorporated at the school- a composite of a Native American, an Eagle, a Settler, a Bison, with selected Trailblazers. There are endless options. Many creative students and members of the public could contribute ideas if the decision is made to start fresh.
DO WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE FOR THE GOOD OF ALL — Native American Ten Commandments
Sandra Watchous, Hays