When I was child, I used to speak like a child, think like a child, reason like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things. 1 Corinthians 13:11
I am saying no on the school bond because I hold a huge responsibility to my community and to its future, I love this community and our children as they are our future. I also feel it is my civic right to express my opinion. If I am going to complain, I very well better take action.

I’m all for bigger and better, I love technology. Just like everybody else I’d love to see the new and improved schools ... BUT WE CAN’T AFFORD IT, NOT NOW!!!
Look around, open your eyes. Do you see gas prices at an all time high, $4.19 a gallon and climbing? Grocery stores experiencing low inventory, much higher prices and rumors of food shortages like we’ve never seen before? Utilities? I spoke with a person from Midwest Energy and was told in the very near future our utilities will jump in price dramatically. My water bill went up $20 a month. My assessment on my homes, yes I said homes, went up 10 to 15% so what is going to happen to my property taxes? They will go up in price even before the school bond gets it’s increase if passed. Can I afford all this? Yes I CAN. I will need to budget and cut back in areas that are non-essentials.
But let’s talk about my in-laws who can’t afford all these price hikes, or all the other elderly in our community who can’t afford it. Have we thought about them? How about the low-income families that can barely make it pay check to pay check? How about those who are trying to buy their first home? They can afford the house payment but can’t afford the property taxes and insurance that go with it. As we all know Insurances keep going up, and we need to have insurance. I’ve heard landlords are increasing rent as they want to cover their added expenses of property taxes. Hays won’t be affordable to live in, or should I say even more unaffordable.
Young people, elderly and low income don’t stand a chance in our community if we are going to tax them into oblivion. It’s a horrible time to pass this school bond. Our kids will survive without bigger and better. Hays will survive without bigger and better, but we need to keep a watchful eye on our elderly, low income and our young adults and pray they can survive during this horrible inflation.
As I said in an earlier letter I posted on Facebook, I was raised by very wise parents who said. If you can’t afford it, don’t buy it, make do with what you have, fix what’s broken and save for what you want. Seriously that might be a great subject to teach in our schools, in our homes.... To be wise stewards with our money.
When I was a child I wanted the sun, moon and stars but now that I am an adult, I want to be responsible.
MaryBeth Fisher, Hays