April 5, 2023
I have spent the last three weekends holding Town Hall meetings in the 40th Senate District.
When I spoke about the property tax rebate for seniors over 65 and disabled veterans many of the people were not aware of the property tax rebate program.
I mentioned at the meetings that I would republish the information regarding the new tax law. During the 2022 session, there were several changes to tax law. One change is the first step in a property tax freeze for low-income seniors and disabled veterans via a rebate program administered by the Kansas Department of Revenue (KDOR).
Applications for property tax relief must be submitted by April 18, 2023, and can be found at: https://www.ksrevenue.gov/pdf/k-40svr.pdf.
Please note that to qualify for the “freeze” a household annual income must be $50,000 or below, a homeowner must be 65 years or older, and the value of the home cannot be above $350,000. A disabled veteran must be at least 50% disabled. Property taxes are still paid to the county and then a homeowner may apply to Kansas Department of Revenue for a refund on their increase, resulting in a freeze. In 2023 we will continue to look for solutions for the reduction in property taxes for all Kansas tax payers.
We passed the Senate’s version of the budget:
The budget vote is the first step in a multi-stop train that is the annual budget process. The committee delayed action on several items to be reviewed at conference and some at omnibus. The legislature has the power of the purse and it’s important we do not just simply act as a rubber stamp. At this stage in the process, nothing is off the table. The final budget will include appropriated monies for the final tax plans that are adopted as well as any new expenditures that may be passed. One item of note that the committee delayed for review at omnibus, is an additional pay increase for state employees on top of the 5% that was passed last year.
There is significant support for this item to ensure we’re taking care of our state employees, particularly with persistent inflation and costs of living, so it remains a viable point of discussion. An amendment was added by Senator Tyson that made a modest cut to agencies NOT INCLUDING health, safety, or K-12 education by just 3.25% to save $97 million. Senator Blasi also added an amendment that transferred $1.8 million from idle funds (meaning they are currently unused) in the Department of Corrections to help bring the pay for Targeted Case Managers for those with Intellectual Development Disabilities to $75/hour. Senator Blasi indicated that Kansas has been losing targeted case managers which is causing tremendous anxiety for families who need IDD care.
Some of the bills of interest for the 40th Senate District this week are:
HB2335 would authorize the Rail Service Improvement Fund to be used for qualified track maintenance and would increase transfers from the State Highway Fund to the Rail Service Improvement Fund from $5.0 million to $10.0 million annually, starting July 1, 2023. Continuing law authorizes use of these funds for financing, acquisition, or rehabilitation of railroad and rolling stock.
HB2290 would authorize the affiliation of Northwest Kansas Technical College and North Central Kansas Technical College with Fort Hays State University (FHSU).
Senate Sub.for HB2302 would establish funding for the State Water Plan and water infrastructure projects, create the Water Technical Assistance Fund and the Water Projects Grant Fund, authorize the Kansas Water Office to provide grants and adopt rules and regulations to establish criteria for grants, update reporting requirements for the Kansas Water Authority, and make technical amendments.
HB2279 would add sections to the Kansas Groundwater Management District Act to require groundwater districts to submit annual reports to the Legislature and conservation and stabilization action plans to the Chief Engineer, Division of Water Resources, Kansas Department of Agriculture. The bill will be part of and supplemental to the Kansas Groundwater Management Act of the Kansas Statues Annotated.
This week is conference committee week where bills from the House and Senate that have differences will be negotiated and agreed to by conference committee participants from the House and Senate. After an agreement is met each chamber will need to receive a majority approval to the changes.
Rick Billinger, R-Goodland, is senator of the 40th District which includes:
* Cheyenne, Decatur, Ellis, Gove, Graham, Logan, Norton, Rawlins, Sheridan, Sherman, Thomas, Trego and Wallace Counties
* Phillips County: Cities: Logan, Long Island, Prairie View, Speed; Townships: Beaver, Belmont, Dayton, Granite, Logan,
Long Island, Mound, Plainview, Prairie View, Solomon (part) and Towanda