Feb 25, 2025

Ellis County hosts storm spotting training for March 6

Posted Feb 25, 2025 10:30 AM

Ellis County has been hosting annual Severe Weather/Storm Spotter Preparedness Presentations for staff and the general public to attend and it is that time of year again.

The National Weather Service in Dodge City will be putting on the presentations at the Ellis County Emergency Services Building, located at 1105 E. 22nd St., Hays, KS 67601, in the basement training/EOC room.

The presentations will be on Thursday, March 6. There will be two times available for personnel and the public to attend. The first presentation will begin at 3 p.m. with the next beginning at 6 p.m.

There is no registration necessary and those interested need only report to the above location prior to either start time. The presentations will be approximately one hour in length and cover the basics of Kansas weather. These preparedness talks are great for the seasoned storm chaser and those who are new to Kansas weather. Please consider attending if the weather has ever interested you!