Sep 30, 2022

LETTER: Fiction versus fact in 111th House race

Posted Sep 30, 2022 1:54 PM

​State Representative Barb Wasinger’s Democratic opponent in this year’s election campaign has stated repeatedly that she has failed to support funding for K-12 in Kansas schools and to advocate for Fort Hays State University.  Apparently, he believes that if he says it enough times his opinion will miraculously turn into fact.

​But that’s not how it works in the real world.  Fiction doesn’t become fact just because Barb’s Democratic opponent and his state and local allies with the Kansas National Education Association wish it were so.

​We serve as Chairwoman of the K-12 Budget in the Kansas House of Representatives and Vice Chairwoman of Education and Chair of Commerce in the Kansas Senate and we want to set the record straight based on facts.

K-12 Education:  Barb has voted for full Constitutional funding for all K-12 students.  She has also worked for improved student achievement and more transparency in the Parent’s Bill of Rights.  In fact, she voted in favor of an education budget that included an additional$365.2 million in total funds in 2022 and an additional$402.6 million for 2024--all above and beyond our Constitutional commitment.Some of those additions included more money for mental health, career and technical education and school safety and security grants.

Special Education:  Barb has consistently supported the Gannon Supreme Court decision which increased special education funding in the first year by $44 million and added $7.5 million in each subsequent years.  In addition to this, she has supported annual per pupil funding increases that help finance the diverse needs of all of our students including those of special education.

Fort Hays State University: As Vice-Chair of Higher Education Budget Committee, Barb has consistently and vigorously advocated for Fort Hays’ interests. Ft. Hays has been granted funding for everything it has requested of the State Legislature.Barb has also advocated for $500,000.00for a cybersecurity initiative program and $1.5 million from COVID funds to upgrade Gross Memorial Coliseum. Fort Hays benefited from a State General Fund increase of over $3.4 million in the last two years.

If the 111th District wants to stay on the right track, the wise choice is a vote for Barb Wasinger. She’s the only candidate with the record of funding priorities while simultaneously demanding commonsense accountability and transparency to our taxpayers. 

In addition to her pro-education and pro-taxpayer voting record, she’s best capable of representing the 111th District because of her personal and business background. Rep. Wasinger has spent years operating and managing her own small businesses, unlike her opponent who is enjoying his plush ivory-tower retirement package with little experience in the real world. 

​With her business background, Representative Wasinger has the best vantage point to take seriously every dollar appropriated for every important purpose. Like you, she works hard for every dollar she earns, even in the most down economies, and will remain accountable to you on how every dollar is spent.

Support Barb Wasinger and know that she shares your values of hard work, compassion for others, and supports education as one of the cornerstones of our great State!

Sen. Renee Erickson, Chair of Commerce and Vice-Chair Education, R-Wichita, and Rep. Kristey Williams, ​K-12 Education Budget Chair, R- Augusta