I have learned over the years leading up to an election not to believe everything I hear. There is so much “fake news” floating around that people start to believe it as the truth.
While getting involved in the race for the 111th District House seat, I started listening to the stance of each candidate and started to realize the “smoke” Barb Wasinger’s opponent was putting out.

One of my pet peeves in an election has been a candidate never having a job where they had to generate a dime of their own money. Taking taxpayer money and spending it is not the same as having to generate business and live within their own means.
I feel candidate Wasinger has tried to stay within the budgets of education and Medicare. What I am hearing from Mr. Hammond is Wasinger has been “anti-” this and that, but all I have heard from his stance is spend more taxpayer money.
With inflation at an all-time high and fuel prices going up, I feel the last thing Kansas’s need are more taxes and, with spending, comes higher taxes because all this has to be paid for somehow.
Keep Kansas Great. Vote Barb Wasinger.
Mike Doerfler, Hays