March 3, 2024
This week we finished the budget work and will have the budget ready to pass out of committee by Thursday and next week debated on the Senate floor.
These are additional bills passed out of the Senate prior to turnaround last week:
SB292 would create law to authorize the appointment of a State Judge Advocate by the Adjutant General; create and amend law related to death and disability benefits provided to Kansas Air and Army National Guard members; and amend law throughout Chapter 48 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated to modernize statutory language, remove outdated statutes, and remove references to trial by court-martial.
SB 384 would authorize the Emergency Medical Services Board to grant a permanent variance from a rule and regulation adopted to implement, enforce, or otherwise regulate provisions regarding minimal staffing on each vehicle providing emergency service.
SB 387 will modify a provision governing open enrollment in the Kansas School Equity and Enhancement Act to provide for the continued enrollment of nonresident students in a school district until the student graduates from high school. The bill would clarify that any student enrolled as a nonresident in a school district during the school year 2023-2024 will be permitted to continue their enrollment and attendance in that school district if the student is deemed in good standing. Such students would not be required to go through the lottery process to remain enrolled at the school district in the 2024-2025 school year. It would also specify that no school district shall be required to provide transportation to nonresident students unless otherwise required by applicable law and would add a deadline of July 30 of each year to a current notification requirement of school districts to notify the parent of the student’s denied enrollment and creates the ability for the parent to appeal the denial to the school district’s board of education. If the appeal is unsuccessful, the parent would be permitted to appeal to the Commissioner of Education, who will be required to conduct a hearing in accordance with the Kansas Administrative Procedure Act.
SB 318 would amend law in the Kansas Code of Procedure for Municipal Courts governing fingerprinting for municipal convictions and the prosecution of cases by the city attorney in municipal court.
SB 338 would amend provisions pertaining to certain financial reporting requirements on group- funded liability and group-funded workers compensation pools and would also remove a notification requirement relating to termination or cancellation of a member in a group-funded workers compensation pool.
SB 356 will amend provisions governing examination fees and compensation for examiners in the Insurance Code to establish a tiered-fee structure for financial examinations of insurance companies and societies based on the gross premiums received by such entities. The bill would also establish that certain examination costs be “reasonable.”
HB 2545 passed the House and the Senate which will make changes to the Self-Service Storage Act, specifically concerning sales of property after a notice of termination or non-renewal; non-delivery of rental agreements; and electronic signatures and delivery of rental agreements. The bill would permit a self-storage operator to sell personal property not retrieved by an occupant within 45 days of a notice of termination or non- renewal delivered by the operator pursuant to the rental agreement’s terms. It would also address party obligations when one party does not sign or deliver a rental agreement, but actions indicate the rental is to begin or continue.
I am honored and grateful to represent the 40th Senate District in Kansas.
Please do not hesitate to contact me by email: [email protected] or call me with your concerns. My office number is 785-296-7399 or my cell number is 785-899-4700. If you are in Topeka stop by my office, room 545-S.
Rick Billinger, R-Goodland, is senator of the 40th District which includes:
* Cheyenne, Decatur, Ellis, Gove, Graham, Logan, Norton, Rawlins, Sheridan, Sherman, Thomas, Trego and Wallace Counties* Phillips County: Cities: Logan, Long Island, Prairie View, Speed; Townships: Beaver, Belmont, Dayton, Granite, Logan, Long Island, Mound, Plainview, Prairie View, Solomon (part) and Towanda