KSU Watershed Specialist
Farmers and ranchers in Ellis, Russell and Ellsworth counties have been protecting local water supplies including Kanopolis Reservoir by implementing sediment and nutrient reduction Best Management Practices (BMPs). Watershed Restoration and Protection Strategies (WRAPS) cost-share assistance for BMPs is currently available to landowners and operators in the targeted areas (see map) through the KSU Big Creek Middle Smoky Hill River Watersheds. Eligible BMPs include: alternative water supplies, riparian fencing, relocating livestock feeding sites, cover crops and cover crop grazing, no-till, and critical area plantings.
Landowners and operators should contact Minson at (785)769-3297, or by email at [email protected] or contact their local County Conservation District or NRCS Field Office. Cost-share for these projects has been funded in part through Section 319 of the Clean Water Act.