Hays Post
In an ongoing effort to assist ag producers in the area, the Cottonwood Extension District is set to offer a number of events in the coming weeks.
CropTalk Webinar Series
On Monday, the Crop Talk Webinar series is set to begin online, following the same format from last year.
“We did (online) last year because of COVID, and it went over well,” said district agent Stacy Campbell.
The series will feature agents from across the region, presenting a variety of topics during each weekly session.
“It's just a one-hour webinar on each Monday,” Campbell said. “And they're going to be from 12 to one. So hopefully, that's a convenient time for farmers and ranchers, they can, you know, come in while they're having lunch and listen if they'd like to these crop talk webinar series.”
The series is set to run through March 7.
“It's really easy to register,” Campbell said, with registration available now via a weblink or QR code.
Attendees are welcome to participate in as many of the sessions as desired.

Winter Ranch Management seminar
On Feb. 8, the district will host the 2022 K-State Winter Ranch Management Program, from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Ag Research Center in Hays.
“It was actually supposed to be over in Russell, but because of the wildfire, it's been moved to Hays,” Campbell said. “If folks are interested in that, they do need to get signed up by February 1 and to do that you would actually call either Extension office here in Hays at (785) 628-9439 or over in Great Bend at (620) 793-1910.”
“These are programs that they kind of do every year around the state, they move them around each year. Some of the topics they're going to be talking about are bull management, historical cattle feeding trends, calfhood implants, and then there's going to be just kind of a Q and A session with our Extension specialist.”
Weed Management Schools
On Feb. 15 and 16, four sessions will be offered across the region to share information about controlling weeds while herbicide availability is questionable.
Attendees will learn about residual herbicide in corn, non-chemical approaches to weed control and the latest in application technology research.
Locations include Colby, Osborne, Hill City and Claflin.
Registration is due by Feb. 8 and can be completed by contacting the local Extension district office.

For more information about upcoming events from the Cottonwood Extension District, visit their Facebook page, ksrecottonwood, or their website,