City of Hays
The City of Hays Water Resources Department has contracted with Pro Pipe, Denver, to conduct sewer line cleaning and inspections at the locations shown on the above map.
Cleaning will begin Monday. Pro Pipe should be completed with the entire project by Friday, July 1.
Pro Pine will perform light cleaning and video inspection of 118,177 linear feet (22 miles) of sanitary sewer with a budget authority not to exceed $140,000. The 2022 program continues the goal of performing cleaning of sanitary sewer lines on a five-year cleaning cycle.
Door hanger notices will be placed on homes and businesses affected prior to cleaning. Work will begin at the north end of the project area and proceed south until completed.
During this process, residents may experience a rumbling sound, in addition to the possibility of water entering your sink, bathtub and/or toilet. Sewer lines can develop air pressure or a partial vacuum from the cleaning process. If you will not be home or on vacation during this time of sewer line cleaning, please protect your home by keeping your toilet lids down.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Pro Pipe’s onsite Supervisor Del at 480-318-9315, Project Manager Isaac at 909-568-7070, or the Water Resources Dept. at 785-628-7380.