Mar 10, 2023

WAYMASTER: From the Dome to Home, March 10, 2023

Posted Mar 10, 2023 11:20 AM
Rep. Troy Waymaster, 109th Dist., R-Bunker Hill
Rep. Troy Waymaster, 109th Dist., R-Bunker Hill

March 10, 2023

House Floor Action

This week the Kansas House of Representatives debated nearly 10 bills on the House Floor.

Here are the details for some of the bills that we debated.

On Tuesday, we started with House Bill 2344 which expands the membership of the council on travel and tourism. It also updates the committee assignment required for members appointed from the House of Representatives.

House Bill 2144 modifies a noncharitable irrevocable trust to provide that the rule against perpetuities is inapplicable.

House Bill 2083 creates the Kansas Vacant Property Act which would prohibit municipalities from imposing any fees or registration requirements on the basis that property is unoccupied.

House Bill 2077 implements additional reporting requirements for informational technology projects.

House Concurrent Resolution 5005 makes an application to the Congress of the United States to call a convention of states.

Wednesday, we only debated House Bill 2304, which standardizes firearm safety programs in school districts.

Thursday was tax day in the House. House Bill 2002 continues the reimbursement for printing and postage costs for county clerks beyond calendar year 2023.

House Bill 2201 requires prior year tax information be included on the classification and appraised valuation notice.

House Bill 2229 provides a deduction from sales tax when selling and buying different motor vehicles within 180 days.

House Bill 2106 provides for a sales tax exemption for sales of property and services used in communication services.

Kansas Budget

As I will mention in the next section, the House Appropriations Committee is diligently working to complete the budget committee reports so we can then reconstruct the budget for the state of Kansas. Even though the state is experiencing a positive ending balance, that could change relatively quickly. Either from additional spending or changes to tax policy, the ending surplus can easily become a deficit. We have been cognizant of the current spending levels for the state of Kansas and have been analyzing where reductions could be made.

As for the revenue stream, I have been in discussions with leadership in both the House and Senate, as well as the House Tax Committee chairman, on where and to what amount we could sustain tax cuts. Currently, the House Tax Committee is reviewing the tax packages passed by the Senate and assessing sustainable tax cuts for income, sales, and property taxes are possible.

House Appropriations Committee

This week, the House Appropriations Committee continued budget work with the budget committee reports and held hearings on bills.

Tuesday, March 7, we analyzed the budgets from the General Government Budget and Transportation and Public Safety Budget Committees. We heard the reports on the Kansas Human Rights Commission, Department of Administration, Kansas Board of Hearing Aid Examiners, Office of Information Technology Services, Kansas Department of Transportation, and Department of Corrections.

Wednesday, March 8, we heard the budget for the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services. We also conducted four bill hearings. Senate Bill 42 authorizes payment for certain claims against the state of Kansas. Senate Bill 195 authorizes the Children’s Cabinet to form a 501 (C)(3) for fundraising for the Dolly Parton Imagination Library Book Gifting Program. House Bill 2273 appropriates the budget for various state agencies for fiscal years 2024, 2025, and 2026. House Bill 2274 makes supplemental appropriations for fiscal years 2023 and 2024 to various state agencies.

Thursday, March 9, we had the budget reports for the Kansas Department of Children and Families and the Department of Education. We should finalize the budget reports from the budget committees on Tuesday, March 14, and then begin the process of constructing the state budget.

Contact Information

Anytime that you would like to participate and listen to the developments of committee hearings or discussion on the House floor, you can tune in by video or audio at

As always, if you have any concerns, feel free to contact me (785) 296-7672, follow on twitter at @waymaster4house, or email me at [email protected].

It is a distinct honor to serve as your representative for the 109th Kansas House District and the state of Kansas. Please contact me with your thoughts, concerns, and questions. I always appreciate hearing from the residents of the 109th House District and others from the state of Kansas, as well.

Troy Waymaster, R-Bunker Hill, is the Kansas House Appropriations Chairman and 109th District state representative which includes:

* Ellsworth, Lincoln, Osborne, Russell and Smith Counties