Aug 21, 2024

BERAN: Kansas State Fair time

Posted Aug 21, 2024 9:15 AM

Cottonwood Extension District

It is just about time for the Kansas State Fair! The State Fair will kick off on Friday, September 6th, and run through Sunday, September 15th.

We had 42 4-H youth in Barton County qualify to take an entry to the State Fair. From those 42, we have over 80 entries!

I always say this day of delivering 4-H exhibits to the Kansas State Fair is one of the scariest driving days that I experience all year. Fragile visual arts projects, entomology and geology boxes, small woodworking projects, and cakes, pies, and cookies – Oh My!

Several 4-H youth will take part in contests such as modeling for Fashion Revue, participating with a photography judging team, or presenting a demonstration or illustrated talk.

As a ten-year 4-H member, I lived too far from Hutchinson to ever see my State Fair exhibits on display so I encourage all of our 4-H members to check out the 4-H exhibits!

If you attend the State Fair on a weekend, be sure to stop in Centennial Hall and listen to a few demonstrations or project talks. These youth are working hard to improve their communication skills and it is fun to see their ideas. Over 1200 4-H photographs will be on display as well as a wealth of rockets, sewing, quilting, and horticulture exhibits.

In case you are wondering, the foods entries are judged on Thursday, September 5th, and only a small number of samples are kept on display due to space constraints. The other portion of the foods entry is placed in a bake sale which benefits the International Foreign Youth Exchange (IFYE) program so be sure to check this out if you happen to be in Hutchinson on the afternoon of September 5th.

Come visit the Kansas State Fair and step off the midway for a while to see the wide variety of talents and skills on display by 4-H members across our state!

Keep learning. Keep showing grace and kindness!

Michelle Beran is the 4-H Youth Development Agent in the Cottonwood Extension District. For more information on this article or other 4-H Youth Development resources, email Michelle at [email protected] or call Cottonwood Extension District – Barton Office at 620-793-1910.