May 02, 2022

LETTER: Time is not right for USD 489 bond

Posted May 02, 2022 10:04 AM

As we gear up for the last week of the most important election in this community, it saddens me how mean and nasty some people have become when your viewpoint is different than theirs.  Everyone has their own opinion and their own viewpoint, and if it is different than yours, we should agree to disagree.

Before you vote on May 10, I hope that you consider the following:

• Do we really need a new high school or should we just fix what's broken in the schools we have?

• Who benefits the most with a new high school? Is it the education of the young minds?

• Will our children and grandchildren be able to afford to live in Hays if this bond passes? They will be the ones paying it off.

• If this bond passes, do you realize our current first graders (age 6) will be 36 years old and high school seniors (age 18) will be 48 years old when the bond is paid off?

• What about the direct financial impact this will have for the elderly and those on fixed incomes?

• Inflation is at the highest rate it's been in the last 40 years with no end in sight.

• There will need to be roads constructed on E. 13th St. or Canterbury. Will this bring more taxes to the community?

• Will appraisals for homes close to the high school DOUBLE as they did in Garden City when their new high school was finished? Most of those homes were constructed after the high school was built so we don't know what impact that will be for those homeowners.

• Mainstream media is discussing a recession. What would happen if a recession does hit? 

• Why can’t we fix what is broken and save our community from higher taxes?

• Let’s use common sense!

• Let’s not tax this community out of existence!

My dad was a very wise man and taught me that if you can't afford something don't buy it. You fix what's broken and you make do with what you have. You live below your means and save for what you want. 

I don’t know about you, BUT I am tired of paying more and more taxes. 


Cindy Weigel, Hays