Jun 06, 2021

From the Ellis Co. Master Gardeners: June garden calendar

Posted Jun 06, 2021 10:15 AM

kansashealthyyards.org recommends the completion of these tasks in June

Summer brings the lazy, hazy days. With the spring cleanup and planting done, June is a time for simple maintenance and enjoyment of the lawn and landscape.

Vegetables and Fruits

•    Renovate June bearing strawberry beds
•    Fertilize strawberries and water regularly to promote new growth
•    Plant another crop of sweet corn and green beans
•    Watch tomatoes for foliar leaf disease development and treat
•    Mulch crops for moisture conservation and weed control
•    Continue a regular fruit disease and insect control program
•    Remove sucker growth from base of trees and along branches
•    Pinch herbs to keep bushy and fresh with new growth
•    Turn compost pile and keep moist for a quicker breakdown


•    Pinch chrysanthemums for development of a bushy plant
•    Deadhead spent flower blossoms to keep plant flowering
•    Remove flower stalks from peonies and iris
•    Mulch flower gardens for the summer to conserve moisture, control weeds and cool the soil
•    Water plants as needed
•    Fertilize roses with about 1 cup of low analysis fertilizer per plant
•    Trim spent rose blossoms
•    Check plants for insects
•    Remove dead foliage from spring bulbs
•    Water and fertilize container plantings regularly to encourage growth and flowering


•    Raise mowing height on tall fescue to 3" or 3 ½" for summer heat resistance
•    Spot treat for broadleaf weeds
•    Let grass clippings fall for nutrient recycling
•    Water the turf sparingly to increase drought tolerance during heat of summer. Let turf wilt between watering for best results
•    Check mower blade for sharpness and sharpen as needed
•    Check lawn mower engine oil and add or change according to owners' manual

Trees and Shrubs

•    Check for bagworms and control as needed
•    Mulch around the bases of trees and shrubs to conserve moisture
•    Prune pines and spruces to shape and control size
•    Water newly planted trees and shrubs as needed
•    Prune spring flowering shrubs
•    Do not damage tree trunks with mowers and weed whips
•    Check for spider mite damage on various shrubs
•    Clip hedges as needed to maintain shape


•    Fertilizer throughout the summer months to encourage growth
•    Wash leaves to remove dust
•    Take cuttings to start new plants
•    Prune and shape plants for added beauty
•    Repot plants as needed in 1" larger containers
•    Check for insect problems