New Bills in the House
The Kansas House of Representatives was flooded with 62 new bills in this second week of session, touching items from interstate compacts on dieticians to requirements for motorcyle driver license instructors. Below is summary of just a slice of that list.
First is House Bill (HB) 2057, which has garnered some attention across the state. This legislation would change law regarding the replacement selection of U.S. Senators, the State Treasurer, and Insurance Commissioner in Kansas. Under current law the Governor selects the temporary replacement for those officers in the event of their vacancy. HB 2057 would add the requirement that the selected replacement be picked from three nominees chosen from a joint legislative committee and that the nominee be a member of the same political party, for the past 10 years, as the previous holder.
Second is HB 2035. This bill would amend current law to include trail rides as a ranching activity, which in turn would classify it as an agritourist activity and thus be applicable for the agricultural use tax deductions.
Third is HB 2063. This legislation would allocate $60 million state general fund (SGF) dollars to create several conservation funds in the next fiscal year, 2026, and be administered by the Department of Agriculture and Wildlife and Parks. The funds would be used to incentivize conservation efforts across a wide range of activities, from irrigation techniques to land restoration.
Fourth is HB 2077, which would extend an exemption for sales tax collection on both purchases directly related to administering of not-for-profit animal shelters and the construction, maintenance, repair, and improvement of said facilities also.
Fifth is HB 2082. This is the governor’s budget, which per custom I introduce every year at the start of session and did on Thursday. As I mentioned in the last newsletter this budget is separate from the legislature’s, and while it will not set the tone for the session it will be used as a point of comparison.
Sixth is HB 2085. This bill changes the length of water pollution control permits with the Kansas Department of Health and Environment from 5 to 10 years, and adjusts the fee schedule for larger facilities.
Seventh, and last, is HB 2088. 2088 would create new requirements and rules for municipal and county governments relating to real estate. Some examples being a new 60 day deadline for decisions on complete applications for building permits and zoning appeals and banning application fees for resubmissions of said filings.
House Appropriations (HAPP) heard a few briefings and worked on several budgets this week.
On Tuesday the committee heard an informational briefing from Pat George, the Chair of the Kansas Fights Addiction Fund Grant Review Board. The organization was created back in 2021 to oversee the awarding of grants to organizations that combat substance use disorders in Kansas, said funds coming from opioid legal settlements. To date the organization has overseen $24 million in grants.
The committee also heard and worked on the budgets of the Behavioral Science Regulatory Board, Board of Healing Arts, Board of Tax Appeals, Judicial Council, and Office of Administrative Hearings.
Wednesday, the committee received an informational briefing on the Midwest Higher Education Compact (MHEC) from its President, Susan Heegaard. MHEC is an interstate compact which Kansas belongs to, and it enhances secondary education in member states through cost-saving initiatives and collaboration.
HAPP also heard and worked on the budgets of the Adjutant General, Emergency Medical Services Board, and the Kansas Sentencing Commission.
On Thursday the committee heard and worked on the budgets of the Board of Accountancy, Veterinary Examiners, the Department of Revenue, State Historical Society, Board of Mortuary Arts, and Board of Pharmacy.
It is a distinct honor to serve as your representative for the 109th Kansas House District and the state of Kansas. Please contact me with your thoughts, concerns, and questions. I always appreciate hearing from the residents of the 109th House District and others from the state of Kansas, as well.
Contact My Office
Representative Troy L. Waymaster
300 SW 10th Street
Topeka, Kansas 66612
[email protected]