2024 Senate Scene Week 3
This week, the Senate standing committees continued to hold hearings and bring forward legislation. The Ways and Means Committee is starting to work the budget bill with subcommittee meetings to report to the full committee in a few weeks. Hearings on bills in committees are continuing with the Senate returning to General Orders where we will see the first committee bills to have a vote from the entire Senate.
Earlier this week, hundreds of Kansans came out on a cold day for the annual March and Rally for Life at the Statehouse. On January 22, 1974, the first MARCH FOR LIFE was held on the West Steps of the U.S. Capitol. An estimated 20,000 committed prolife Americans rallied this day with attendance numbers rising every year. In addition to the March and Rally, events include workshops, pro-life educational booths, capitol tours, visiting legislators, and attending general legislative sessions and committees.
In off-legislative session during the summer, the Senate Confirmation Committee holds hearings for individuals brought forward by the governor for appointments to agency heads and other positions in state government. On Thursday, the Senate confirmed the following appointments:
Appointment Position
Nicholas Jaskolski Brigadier General, Kansas National Guard Col.
Annie Kuether, Kansas Corporation Commission
Dawn McClure, Employment Security Board of Review
Pam Pierce, Employment Security Board of Review
Alan Deines, Kansas Development Finance Authority
Jon Small, Kansas Development Finance Authority
Catherine Moyer, Kansas Lottery Commission
Vicki Ryan, Kansas Lottery Commission
Kenneth (Ed) Trimmer, Kansas Lottery Commission
Mike Fleming, Kansas Racing and Gaming Commission
Larry Turnquist, Kansas Racing and Gaming Commission
Emily Bowersock-Hill, KPERS Board of Trustee
Brad Stratton, KPERS Board of Trustee
Patty Becker, Pooled Money Investment Board
Craig Heideman, Pooled Money Investment Board
Joni Franklin, Public Employee Relations Board
Keely Schneider, Public Employee Relations Board
Justin Nichols, State Banking Board
Michelle Ewert, State Board of Indigents' Defense Services
Romano Delcore, University of Kansas Hospital Authority
Elizabeth Henderson King, University of Kansas Hospital Authority
Kevin Lockett, University of Kansas Hospital Authority
Robba Moran, University of Kansas Hospital Authority
Alysia Johnston, Kansas Board of Regents
Neelima Parasker, Kansas Board of Regents
Calvin Reed Secretary, Kansas Department of Transportation
Erik Smith Superintendent, Kansas Highway Patrol
KANSAS DAY and Senate District #36
January 29th of 2024 marked the 163rd anniversary of President James Buchanan signing a bill to make Kansas the 34th state of the United States of America. Kansas is named for the Kansa, the Algonquian word for the Kaw. Kansas is full of rich history, beautiful scenes of nature, and notable landmarks.
In Kansas Senate District 36, we have remarkable landmarks such as memorial to Pony Express Riders in Marshall County, the Nazareth Motherhouse in Concordia, Rock City outside of Minneapolis, and the “Home on the Range Cabin” in Smith County, birthplace of our state song. “Home on the Range” was adopted by the Kansas State Legislature as the official state song on June 30, 1947. Along with our state song, Kansas has not one, but TWO official state marches, “The Kansas March” and “Here’s Kansas.”
But while the marches are grand, nothing brings as much pride into the hearts of the residents of the Sunflower State as that of seeing our great flag dancing in the breeze. The flag was designed by Hazel Avery of Lincoln County in 1925. Directly in the center on the field of blue is the Great Seal of the State of Kansas with our motto arching near the top: “Ad Astra Per Aspera” to the stars through difficulties. The flag was modified in 1961 by a bill introduced by Senator Ross Doyen of Concordia to add the word “KANSAS.”
You can find a wealth of information at this well-designed website which focuses on Kansas with topics of business, education, government, residents, and services with links to agencies and staff to help answer any question you might have. Webfile will take you directly to the Department of Revenue to file your taxes; Form finder will take you to the Secretary of State’s office for all types of forms for businesses; Learning Quest will direct you to the State Treasurer’s Office; the three branches of government; and Plan your Trip to Kansas will open to the Department of Wildlife and Parks.
Kansas residents can access information on legislation, legislative procedure, state government, public policy issues, and more by calling 1-800-432-3924. Calls are answered by experienced reference/research librarians at the State Library of Kansas and kept confidential. Lines are open weekdays 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Callers can also leave brief messages to be delivered to legislators as well as request copies of bills, journals, and other legislative documents. Questions can also be left at infodesk@ks.gov on weekends and evenings. Kansans can now chat with a librarian in real-time through the library’s Ask A Librarian service found at kslib.info/ask . You will have the option of installing a mobile app connecting users to all the State Library’s services, including chat, texting, and email. Text questions to 785-256-0733. The State Library is located on the 3rd floor, north wing of the Capitol.
Thank you for the honor of serving you!
Senator Elaine Bowers
Kansas State Capitol Building
Room 223-E
300 SW 10th St.
Topeka, KS 66612
Elaine Bowers, R-Concordia, is senator of the 36th District in Kansas, which includes:
* Cloud, Jewell, Lincoln, Mitchell, Osborne, Ottawa, Republic, Rooks, Russell, Smith and Washington Counties* Marshall County: Cities: Blue Rapids, Marysville, Oketo and Waterville; Townships: Blue Rapids, Blue Rapids City, Cottage Hill, Elm Creek, Herkimer, Logan, Marysville, Oketo, Walnut and Waterville* Phillips County: Cities: Agra, Glade, Kirwin and Phillipsburg; Townships: Arcade, Bow Creek, Crystal Deer Creek, Freedom, Glenwood, Greenwood, Kirwin, Phillipsburg, Plum, Rushville, Solomon(part), Sumner, Valley and Walnut