Area veterans and their families with a history of military service are invited to a discussion group on Dec. 7 at 7 p.m. in the Ellis County Museum, 7th and Main Street, Hays.
The meeting is hosted by The Society of 40 Men and 8 Horses, Voiture 1543, which manages the Kansas Merci Boxcar and Museum, and by the Ellis County Museum.
Matthew Conklin, a PhD candidate at the University of Chicago is researching the causes and consequences of military service across the United States.
His research examines why some locales have historically served at higher rates than other places, and the long-term effects of past wars on American community life.
Conklin will share information from his current findings that show how Ellis County compares to other parts of the country for military enlistments.
Questions that he would like attendees to review are:
• When and why did you decide to enter the military? Are there any important lessons you leaned while in the service that stick out to you?
• Was there a history of military service in your family?
• Did you know of anyone else who had served or ended up serving from your community?
• How was your transition out of the service back into society? what is your sense of how veterans are treated in today's society compared to the past?
• Could you describe your involvement with veterans organizations in your community?
• What are some of the biggest issues your community has faced in the past? What about now and in the future?
• What is the biggest issue you feel the country is facing today?
• What are your thoughts about the U.S.'s involvement in world affairs? Is it too involved in world affairs or not involved enough and should do more? Or, is the U.S. doing about what it should be?