Oct 21, 2022

LETTER: Former FHSU student supporting Hammond for 111th

Posted Oct 21, 2022 10:01 AM

This letter is in support of Dr. Edward H. Hammond for State Representative of the Kansas 111th House District.  While I am not a resident of the 111th, I have direct knowledge of Dr. Hammond’s ability to lead as well as the relationships he forges to create organizational success.

From 2001 to 2005, I was a student at Fort Hays State University.  During my 4 years of college I was active in the Student Government Association.  From 2003-2005 I served as Student Body President.  In that role I worked with Dr. Hammond very closely.  I was always amazed at how interested he was in the student’s perspective on a myriad of issues facing the University.  He was open to ideas and suggestions generated by students.  

Dr. Hammond is widely known as a great speaker.  What he does not get sufficient credit for is being a great listener.  Even as a student at FHSU, I always felt I had a voice with Dr. Hammond.  That did not mean we would always agree.  But he was always open to listening to ideas and ways to continually improve the university. 

The Memorial Union renovation and Safe Ride are examples of student generated ideas that once presented to Dr. Hammond took shape.  Often as students we were told by administrators and staff why our ideas would not work.  It was Dr. Hammond learning about and promoting these initiatives that would result in positive changes happening.  Dr. Hammond knew his primary constituency was the students at FHSU.  

As President, Dr. Hammond championed the implementation of technology and had FHSU on the cutting edge.  This was important for students going into the workforce.  He pioneered international and online programs that not only expanded the reach of FHSU but created a level of financial security unmatched amongst the Kansas Regents Institutions.  Part of the reason for these income generating programs was with an overall mission to keep higher education accessible and affordable to the citizens of Kansas.  He coupled those efforts with low tuition and holding the line on student tuition and fee increases at levels regularly below any of our other Kansas Regents Institutions. 

Through a focus on students – his constituents – Dr. Hammond found creative ways to collaborate with partners outside of FHSU to ensure growth and positive change.  Partners were identified in the private sector, local and state governmental agencies and non-profit organizations to make FHSU, Hays and Kansas a better place.  Many of Dr. Hammond’s ideas were non-traditional for an institution of higher education, but he never allowed himself to be constrained by the way things had always been done.  He focused on the end goal, and he found a way to get it done.  FHSU boasted of high demand from students and grew steadily while under Dr. Hammond’s leadership.  

As I reflect about my experiences working with Dr. Hammond, and his long list of accomplishments on behalf of the University, I cannot help but believe that same kind of vision, creativity and fiscal responsibility will help him shine as a state legislator.  He has a tremendous talent of identifying issues, seeing opportunity, creating action, and implementing a solution.  He has shown his ability to steer an organization toward positive growth and change, while demonstrating the ability to simultaneously improve fiscal strength.

While I could go on about the positive traits Dr. Hammond embodies, his ability to problem solve, collaborate, and listen are what will make him a top shelf state legislator.  We have seen him lead a sizeable organization with this kind of approach while at the helm of FHSU. Is that not what we all beg for in our elected officials?  I am certain he will work to shape policy for the State of Kansas the same way he managed FHSU!  The entire state will be indebted to the voters of the 111th for bringing such top-notch leadership to Topeka.  I hope you will!

Mitchell D. Hall, Harper