May 06, 2022

🎥 South Vine reconstruction project starts Monday

Posted May 06, 2022 11:01 AM
Phase 1 of the reconstruction of Vine Street between the US-183 Bypass and just south of 13th Street begins Monday in Hays. 
Phase 1 of the reconstruction of Vine Street between the US-183 Bypass and just south of 13th Street begins Monday in Hays. 

Hays Post

Following the two-year reconstruction project of the north Vine Street corridor in Hays, the south end of Vine Street will get a facelift this year.
This project, however, is less extensive and will not have any traffic roundabouts.

Phase 1, Step 1 of the $3.9 million project begins Monday, according to John Braun, Hays project manager.

In 2019, the city was awarded a $1 million grant from the Kansas Dept. of Transportation City Connecting Link Improvement Program to help fund the cost. Hays will pay the remaining $2.9 million using cash from the city commission capital reserve fund. 

"This KDOT project will replace the pavement on U.S. Highway 183 from the south city limit at the intersection with the bypass to about 350 feet south of the intersection with 13th Street at the McDonald's entrance," Braun said.

New pedestrian crossings and signals will be added at the intersection of Eighth and Vine. 
New pedestrian crossings and signals will be added at the intersection of Eighth and Vine. 

The project includes replacement of the concrete pavement, select areas of curb and gutter, sidewalk ramps, new pedestrian crossings at 8th Street, storm sewer inlet tops, and pavement markings.

Access to all businesses will remain but will be restricted to right-in/right out movements during the 115-day project.
Access to all businesses will remain but will be restricted to right-in/right out movements during the 115-day project.

The first phase will reduce traffic to one lane in each direction in the outside lanes while the inside lanes are being reconstructed. No left turns will be allowed.

"Access to all businesses will remain but will be restricted to right-in/right-out movements," Braun explained.

Eighth Street will be blocked during this phase allowing only right turns to and from Vine at Eighth. 

The project contractor, Smoky Hill Construction of Salina (the same company that did the north Vine project), is to complete the job within 115 working days.