Agricultural producers in Kansas and other states this year can participate in Kansas State University’s Risk & Profit Conference from wherever they are as the university takes the entire conference online. The conference is set for Aug. 10-14.
From producers to processors to consumers, the new coronavirus has affected every aspect of life, so this year’s conference will focus on the economics of agriculture during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Different sessions are scheduled for each day, including the popular livestock and grain market outlooks. Sessions run from noon to 1:30 p.m. each day except Thursday, when an expanded schedule runs from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. That day also features an open chat at lunchtime with extension specialists.
Registration is available online and questions can be directed to Rich Llewelyn at [email protected]. The schedule for the program is:
Monday, August 10
Session 1 (12:00-12:45): Hedging the Sale of Kansas Live Cattle: A Review of the Past 10 Years - Brian Coffey
Session 2 (12:45-1:30): Ag Finance Situation - Allen Featherstone
Tuesday, August 11
Session 1 (12:00-12:45): Macroeconomy, Interest Rates, and Future Inflation - Brian Briggeman
Session 2 (12:45-1:30): US Agri-Food Trade and COVID-19 - Vincent Amanor-Boadu, Kara Ross, Catharine Ofori-Bah
Wednesday, August 12
Session 1 (12:00-12:45): Crop Share or Cash Rent: How Does Risk Affect the Decision?-Mykel Taylor, Chelsea Arnold
Session 2 (12:45-1:30): Assessment of Ag’s Contribution to the Kansas Economy - John Leatherman, Jody Wendt
Thursday, August 13
Session 1 (10:30-11:15): Livestock Market Outlook—Glynn Tonsor
Session 2 (11:15-12:00): Grain Market Outlook—Dan O’Brien
Break/Lunch (12:00-12:30): Open Chat with K-State Agricultural Economics Extensions Specialists
Session 3 (12:30-1:15): Nontraditional Finance: Overview and Trends - Jenny Ifft
Session 4 (1:15-2:00): Projections of Net Farm Income for 2020 and 2021 - Gregg Ibendahl
Friday, August 14
Session 1 (12:00-12:45): Economic Losses From ARC/PLC Election In 2014 Farm Bill - Nathan Hendricks, Mary Kurzweil
Session 2 (12:45-1:30): International Grain Market Trends and Factors - Guy Allen, Dan O’Brien
Alicia Boor is an Agriculture and Natural Resources agent in the Cottonwood District (which includes Barton and Ellis counties) for K-State Research and Extension. You can contact her by e-mail at [email protected] or calling 620-793-1910.