Oct 21, 2024

LETTER: KansasUnited flyer biased

Posted Oct 21, 2024 7:50 AM

In my snail mail box yesterday I found a flyer from KansasUnited.org. I googled them and learned they are affiliated with the ACLU. I applaud their efforts to provide information on candidates running for office. Kansas has a long list and considering the effort it takes to become an informed voter it was disappointing to see the list only addressed the Ellis County Clerk position, leaving the impression this was a political ad. That was disappointing from an organization dedicated to providing fair and unbiased voting information.   

Each candidate was asked to respond to the following

Do you pledge

1.    To put polling places in locations convenient for all eligible Ellis County citizens?

2.    That Ellis County polling locations are accessible to and meet the needs of residents with disabilities and the elderly?

3.    To extend the early voting period in Ellis County?

The candidate responded yes; the incumbent did not respond. Perhaps because these issues are already covered in her oath for office.

1. No address in the city of Hays is located more than 2 miles from the assigned polling location.

2. By law, polling locations must provide handicap assess.  All Hays polling locations have adequate parking located near the entrance of the poll. All entrances have handicap ramps and personnel are available to assist the elderly.

3. Kansas law dictates early voting access.  In Ellis County early voting begins October 16 with mail in ballot mailing. In person early voting is from October 28 – November 1, between the hours of 8am and 4pm. November 4th hours are 8am to 12 pm.  Voting takes place at the Ellis County Administrative Center, 718 Main Street.

I am not acquainted with Laura Allen and have no knowledge of her work history or experience in civil service.  I have worked with Bobbie Dreiling as a poll judge for several local, state and national elections.  She is a professional; knowledgeable, experienced, efficient, and dedicated to running an election that gives every registered Ellis County voter the opportunity to vote. 

The time and effort in producing this flyer would have better served the people of Kansas with a list of candidates running for office and a link to information on their history and positions on important issues, ending with a GET OUT AND VOTE message. It is our right, it is our privilege, and it is our responsibility. Our democracy depends on it.

Cathy Van Doren