I write this letter for educational purposes because there has been a text sent out by the ACLU to my constituents to request their support that I put a polling location on Fort Hays State University campus.

What polling location you use when you vote on Election Day is driven by where you live. Being a student and/or faculty member on campus on the day of the Election doesn’t mean that you can vote at that polling location. Only those who live in Ward 1 Precinct 1 or 2 would be able to vote on campus. If you are a student or faculty member that lives elsewhere in Ellis County and you attempt to vote on campus, the Election Board worker will direct you to your correct polling location, as you will not be in the poll book at that location.
While I did close down the polling location that was closest to FHSU, I did so because of the historically low voter turnout. I had to close another poll site because of it being nonADA compliant, and being a good steward of the County’s money, I found it economically feasible to combine a low performing poll site with the one I closed down.
The opportunity was presented to me to use Messiah Lutheran Church, which is a perfect location for all four Wards and Precincts because it has a large room for the Election, as well as ample parking.
I would also like to take this time to remind, not only the students, but everyone in the county that we offer early voting at the Administration Center, which is only .40 miles from campus, starting two weeks prior to any election, or you can request an advance mail ballot.
I was asked by the students to offer Saturday early voting; therefore I will be offering early voting on the Saturday prior to Election Day to accommodate those students as well as others that cannot get away from school and/or their jobs during the week. Saturday voting will take place from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Administration Center, 718 Main.
If anyone has any questions or concerns, please contact me at 785-628-9410, email me at [email protected] or stop by the office at 718 Main St., Hays.
—Bobbi Dreiling, Ellis County Clerk, Election official