Hungry for Bierocks? Place your order with the Cancer Council of Ellis County for its bierock fundraiser until Sept. 5.
These delicious bierocks are made by The Press.
To place your order call the Cancer Council at 785-625-6653 or mail your order to 701 Riley St, Hays KS 67601.
Orders must be paid for at the time of the order.
Pick up will be from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sept. 14 in The Press parking lot, 230 East Eighth St., Hays.
The cost is $25 for ½ dozen or $45 for a dozen or $30 for ½ dozen or $50 for a dozen for bierocks with cheese.
The Cancer Council of Ellis County is a local organization that has been helping Ellis County residents dealing with cancer for 37 years.