Cottonwood Extension District
While I deal specifically with the 4-H side of the Barton County Fair, there are lots of ways for you to be involved!
The theme for the Barton County Fair is Blue Jeans and Big Dreams and it will be happening June 26th-30th. Exhibits are due to the fairgrounds for most categories on Wednesday, June 26th. Our 4-H members must pre-enter their exhibits while Open Class entries can be entered online ahead of time or on-site on the 26th.
Judging is handled a bit differently for 4-H and Open Class. Consultative judging is used to provide one-on-one feedback about project learning and the exhibit as an important part of the learning opportunity for the 4-H member and all members receive a ribbon on their entry. We use the Danish system for 4-H exhibits which defines a Purple as exemplary, a Blue as above average, a Red as average, and a White as having substantial deficiencies. For Open Class, the judge will evaluate the exhibit item and determine if it receives one of the top three placings awarded per class.
Each year, the Barton County Fair Association has several special award categories for Open Class which tie to the theme. Be on the lookout for the announcements about these and all Open Class opportunities. Open Class offers a youth (16 and younger), Adult (17-65), Senior (65 and better), and a Professional class for those who teach about or make a practice of selling their work.
Entries aren’t open just yet for 4-H or Open Class but keep an eye on bartoncountyfair.com for updates, schedules, and entry information.
Come join us June 26th through 30th to watch the livestock shows, check out the 4-H and Open Class exhibits, listen to a concert, share a meal with friends, support all ages across our community as they showcase their interests from horticulture to horses!
We look forward to seeing your entry for Blue Jeans and Big Dreams!
Keep learning. Keep showing grace and kindness!
Michelle Beran is the 4-H Youth Development Agent in the Cottonwood Extension District. For more information on this article or other 4-H Youth Development resources, email Michelle at [email protected] or call Cottonwood Extension District – Barton Office at 620-793-1910.