Hays Post
Hays city commissioners will talk Thursday about the bid award for phase 1 of the redevelopment of the downtown building at 1108 N. Main into a new luxury short-term rental Airbnb called Chestnut Suites.
Hays developer Adam Pray plans the renovation to create 24-26 rentable hotel-style rooms for both short-term and 30-day or more renters.
Pray asked the city of Hays to apply for $300,000 in Community Development Block Grant funding from the Kansas Department of Commerce, which was awarded in August.
A single bid was made for the project's first phase, which will include exterior concrete and masonry work, roofing accessories, window work, and plumbing. The bid was from Robben Construction, Hays, for $484,500.
No city funds will be expended.
The estimated total project cost is $3.2 million.
Commissioners will consider awarding the bid award at their Dec. 26 meeting, along with a recommended low bid award from APAC, Hays, of $754,916 for replacing the sanitary sewer lift station on Highway 40 west of the airport.
The lift station, built in 1984, is in the 100-year floodplain. With the passing of the school bond in 2022 and the resulting increase in students, the sewer flow is expected to increase.
The complete Dec. 19 agenda is available here.
The work session starts at 4 p.m. in Hays City Hall, 1507 Main.