In a news release Tuesday, Chris McGowne announced he has filed to run for the Ellis County Commission Third District seat.
McGowne, a lifelong Republican, is a local small business owner and lawyer who grew up in Hays and has family roots in the Ellis County community reaching back more than 60 years, the release said. McGowne and his wife work in the oil and gas industry and have for most of their careers.
"Chris firmly believes that local government and its elected officials should work for the people, and he knows first-hand how much the commission impacts your daily life," the release said. "He is dedicated to this community and is running for the commission because he believes it is crucial that the seat is filled with a fighter who is willing to tackle the important challenges that are ahead. He will fight for strong economic growth, wise zoning and land use, and responsible stewardship of county tax revenue by keeping the mill levy low."
McGowne invited residents of the Third District to contact him with questions at (785) 259-9233.
Longtime Ellis County Commissioner Dean Haselhorst stepped down from his Third District seat in January. Victoria's Joe Leroux was appointed by the Ellis County Republican Party to serve the remainder of Haselhorst's term.
The seat will be be on the November general election ballot for a two-year term.
The Third District is the largest in land size of the three county commission districts. It is made up of six townships, which includes the entire eastern edge of Ellis County and an area north of Hays.