Jul 24, 2024

Hays city commission to vote on next steps in planned housing, business developments

Posted Jul 24, 2024 3:58 PM

Hays Post

Hays city commissioners will vote on several agenda items Thursday that would advance three new housing and business developments in the city.

Regarding The Grove, a planned mixed-use housing development north of HaysMed on Canterbury Drive, the commission is expected to approve the planned development and set a public hearing date for establishing a reinvestment housing incentive district. 

A final plat for the Depot Addition, apartment housing at 10th and Walnut, will be considered.

Commissioners will also vote on the final plat for the 27th and Main Street Addition and rezoning the property from public and institutional to neighborhood shopping district and residential multi-family use.

Astra Bank plans to build a new facility on the property and further develop the two plots for housing and retail business. 

A recommended charter ordinance would allow the city to authorize the issuance of general obligation bonds to finance projects in its capital improvements plan by simple adoption of a resolution. Any bonds issued under the charter would be exempt from the debt limit. 

The commission will decide whether to execute nuisance abatements for 1700 Marshall Road and 515 E. 11th. 

Also on the agenda is the June financial report and the mayor's appointment of Patricia Makings to the Hays Housing Authority Board and the reappointment of Mark Junk to the Hays Recreation Commission Board.

The complete July 25 agenda is available here. The meeting starts at 4 p.m. in Hays City Hall, 1507 Main.