It is time for the 11th annual KSU Watersheds and city of Hays water poster Contest. The 2025 theme is “Know Water…Know Life.”
Daycares, pre-schools, USD 489, Holy Family Elementary, TMP Marian and home-school students, ages pre-school through 12th, students, faculty, and staff, Fort Hays State University, Fort Hays Tech/North Central students, faculty and staff, and adults in Hays are eligible to participate.
There is also an Intellectual/Development Disabilities (IDD) division for youth through adults.
The “Know Water…Know Life” posters can focus on water conservation or stormwater/water quality messages.
Posters could show how to reduce water usage indoors, outdoors, and/or at home and work. Also, posters might share how to reduce sediment, nutrients, and E. coli bacteria, household chemicals, etc. that are harmful to water sources. Both water conservation and stormwater/water quality can be highlighted on the same poster.
Posters must be horizontal, designed on 12 x 18-inch white poster paper with “Know Water…Know Life” included.
Posters can be designed with pencil, paints, pens, crayons, or markers. In addition, the posters can be 3-dimensional, or computer generated.
Name, age, and teacher need to be included on the back of the poster.
Poster paper is available for pick-up at the Public Works Department, 1002 Vine Street, during regular business hours.
Prize money will be awarded to 1st- 3rd place winners in each age division.
Winning posters will be displayed at Tri- Central Office Supply, 1101 Main, Hays during the month of May and at the Ellis County Fair in July.
Posters are due by Wednesday, March 12, 2025, at school offices, city hall, or the Public Works Department.
The awards celebration will be held at Sternberg Museum of Natural History on April 1 at 6 p.m.
To learn more about water conservation and stormwater/water quality for poster ideas, visit or (special events tab).
For questions, call Stacie Minson, KSU Watershed Specialist, 785-769-3297 or Holly Dickman, City of Hays Water Conservation Specialist, 785-628-7350.