Oct 26, 2023

Hays USD 489 BOE candidate: Craig Pallister

Posted Oct 26, 2023 9:45 AM

The Hays Post sent questionnaires to all the candidates who are running for seats on the Hays USD 489 school board.

Candidates on the ballot include David Clingan, James Feyerherm, Jayme Goetz, Lori Hertel, Craig Pallister, Allen Park, Ruth Ruder, Duff Watson, Dennis Wilkie and Derek Yarmer.

Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 7. Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

To find your polling location, click here.

Craig Pallister

Craig Pallister
Craig Pallister

Age: 70
Occupation: Retired teacher/principal
Incumbent — vice president two terms, president one term

Do you have children or grandchildren who attend(ed) Hays USD 489 schools? Children – attended/graduated USD 489, Grandchild- attending USD 489

Read more biographic information here.

If you had one thing you could change about the USD 489 school district, what would it be?

I believe USD 489 is a very good district, and we need to continue to make changes to meet the needs of all students. I would support new class offerings for college-bound students and students going into technical and training curricula to better prepare them for careers.

What is your opinion of the current school board? Do you think you could compromise with the incumbents who will remain on the board?

I believe we have a very good school board that has made key decisions to solve the district facilities needs due to building age and the need for additional space. USD 489 is one of a very few districts in western Kansas that has a growing student population, which helps our community grow. I believe that all board of education members are dedicated to meeting the needs of our students through discussion and collaboration.

What is your opinion of the Hays USD 489 administration?

USD 489 has a very good and dedicated district administration as well as very strong building-level principals. The retention of outstanding administrators is key to continual improvement and consistency. The district is very blessed to have strong principals and district administrators that have been part of the district and community for an extended period of time.

What do you think the board’s role should be in the day-to-day operations of the district?

The board of education sets policy and provides review/oversite for the district administrators and should not be making day-to-day decisions on operations of the district. The board of education hires the superintendent of schools to make the day-to-day decisions using the direction and policies set by the board of education.

What role do you think the board should have moving forward with the bond issue projects?

The board of education’s role in the bond issue projects is to review, discuss, and oversee then vote on the bond projects.

Have you received money or in-kind donations from individuals, businesses, groups or PACs outside of the school district?

I have received no money or in-kind donations from individuals, businesses, groups or PACs outside of the school district.