Jul 20, 2021

LUNCH & LEARN: The Formation of NASA: What Ike Started

Posted Jul 20, 2021 12:40 PM

July Lunch & Learn

The Formation of NASA: What Ike Started

"It is hard to realize - yet inexorably true - that the near future will hold such wonders as the orbital flight of an astronaut." ~Dwight D. Eisenhower, December 29, 1960

ABILENE - The next monthly virtual Lunch & Learn program will be Thursday, July 22 at noon central time.

Our guest speaker this month is Jim Remar with the Cosmosphere.As we mark the 52nd anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing, Remar will discuss the creation of NASA.

Eisenhower's role in NASA and the early days of the Space Race is often overlooked. Learn about the instrumental role that the Eisenhower administration played in creating NASA and getting the U.S. off of the ground in the early stages of the Space Race.

Remar is a recognized expert in the areas of museum administration, strategic planning and space artifact preservation and exhibition. Initially he joined the Cosmosphere as curator in 2000 and currently serves as the president/CEO. Remar has an extensive background in providing consultation expertise to a number of history and space museums as well as organizations.

JOIN US ONLINE: Google Meet URL: meet.google.com/mmv-hdpd-jpt
Phone: 617-675-4444‬ (PIN: 550 357 698 9817#‬) Please join 10 minutes early so the program may begin on time.

The 2021 Lunch & Learn series is made possible courtesy of the Eisenhower Foundation with generous support from the Jeffcoat Foundation.