MANHATTAN — Stacie Minson, WaKeeney, an extension watershed specialist with the Kansas Center for Agricultural Resources and the Environment, or KCARE, has received the Distinguished Service Award from the National Association of County Agricultural Agents.
The award recognizes excellence in the field of professional extension and is presented to NACAA members who have conducted outstanding programs and are held in high esteem by their colleagues.
Minson was the only person from Kansas to receive this award in 2024.
"Stacie is an excellent communicator who works very hard to keep the landowners in her watershed informed," said Herschel George, retired extension watershed specialist. "Her commitment to education and field day events better informs the producers about best management practices that will, in the end, protect the watershed."
Minson has been a leader in agricultural programming through K-State Research and Extension for the past 27 years.
In her current role as an extension watershed specialist, she works with producers in the counties surrounding the Kanopolis Lake watershed to implement best management practices in their operations. These practices help to improve water quality within the watershed and, hopefully, reduce Total Maximum Daily Loads in local waterways.
To learn more about how extension watershed specialists affect changes in Kansas water quality, visit the KCARE website.