Aug 12, 2020

Hays BOE approves funds for remote learning platform

Posted Aug 12, 2020 11:01 AM

Hays Post

The Hays school board approved up to $100,000 for the Edgenuity remote learning program for the 2020-21 school year.

The district will pay for the contract out of CARES Act funds it received from the federal government. Superintendent Ron Wilson said the district has not yet spent any of $300,000 the district received.

Wilson said Monday night at the school board meeting, 216 students have enrolled in the district's parent choice remote learning option this school year — 112 at the elementary level, 62 at the middle school and 42 at the high school.

The district already uses the online platform for students at the middle school and high school levels.

At the elementary level, teachers will be assigned to classes of groups of about 30 students each. At the middle school and high school, some teachers will be paid in lieu of their planning periods to work with the remote learning students.

Other local support services will be available to the remote students, including tech support.

Wilson said the district will allow families who initially choose remote learning to return to on-site classes later in the school year if they choose.

 The district has enrolled a little more than 2,800 students thus far. Last year the district's enrollment was a little more than 3,000 students.

The district has continued to develop hybrid learning plans; however, these plans have not been finalized.

The district has ordered new iPads for elementary students, but they have not been received. The purchase was part of regular technology replacement plan. The district does not expect to receive the cases for the new devices until October and does not want to issues the iPads to students until the cases arrive, Wilson said.

Students with no Internet

Seventy-one students have notified the district they do not have internet access. In the spring, Eagle Broadband and Nex-Tech worked with families who did not have internet access. Wilson said there may be a tiered plan available for low-income families this fall, but he has not seen any details from the providers.


USD 489 2020-21 calendar
USD 489 2020-21 calendar

The board approved its new calendar on Monday. The new start date for the school year is Wednesday, Aug. 26, and the last day of school will be May 26.

Breaks and vacation dates were not affected as a result of moving the start date back, which the board approved at the end of July, Wilson said.

The date for graduation has not yet been set.

Substitute teacher pay

The district plans to increase sub pay in anticipation of a substitute teacher shortage this school year. Now USD 489 substitute teacher pay is $90 per day. After 15 days in a position, the district pays $150 per day. After 45 days, the district pays $202 per day. 

Wilson said Hays has the lowest substitute pay in the area. He said he thought the district would need to increase its pay this year. He will bring a proposal to the next board meeting to increase pay to $110 per day, pay after 15 days to $170 per day and pay after 45 days to $220 per day.


Teachers and students will be required to wear masks while at school this year. Wilson said there will be breaks built in throughout the school day during which students can remove their masks.

Children with disabilities can be exempt from wearing a masks with a form signed by a doctor.

Vacant board seat

The Hays school board is taking applications to fill a vacancy left by the resignation of Sophia Young.

Young resigned last month because she moved outside of the school district. 

The appointee will fill the remaining 15 months of Young's term.

Interested parties need to submit a letter including their name, address, qualifications, statement on why they want to be a board member and statement on how they can contribute to board and benefit the district to Jess Reling, board clerk, 323 W. 12th, Hays KS 67601 or email  [email protected].

The board will interview candidates at its Sept. 28 meeting.