Kansas State Research and Extension is bringing you a series of short online cattle programs. These programs will be held every Thursday from December 2 to January 6 (excluding December 30th) at 10:00 am. These programs will cover a different topic every week, but focus on the topics and dates for these programs are:
- December 2nd – Tax Program with Clay Simons, Executive Agriculture Economist
- December 9th – Co grazing - Dr. Allison Crane, KSU Sheep & Goat Specialist
- December 16th – Early Cow Calf Health – TBD
- December 23th – Utilizing Cover Crop - TBD
- January 6th - Fertility in Heifers – Sandy Johnson, Extension Beef Specialist
To join the meeting go to https://kstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6F5F44OS3RvkwSi and provide us your name and email. A link will then be sent to the email that you provide to join the meetings. If you have any question or need help singing up, please call Alicia Boor, at 620-793-1910.