Hays Post
LARNED—Kansas Department of Health and Environment officials heard Larned residents' concerns about Innovative Livestock's permit submission for a new cattle facility on Tuesday.
The proposed Innovative Livestock Services feedlot is designed to house 88,000 beef cattle and will feature open lot pens, storage areas, sediment basins and waste storage ponds.
The facility would be about 10 miles south of Larned.
The KDHE hosted an informational session and public hearing on Tuesday, led by Livestock Waste Management Section Chief Casey Guccione.
"Our review process involves making sure that these facilities meet the laws and regulations that have been defined by the Legislature," Guccione said.
Longtime Larned residents Merrill Cauble and Felix Revello attended the public hearing to oppose the proposed feed yard and advocate for the region.
They outlined concerns regarding water contamination, economic effects, the need for further testing and air pollution.
"To go out and have a nice evening with the family or friends out on your back porch for a barbecue... it ruins the day and evening. You have to take everything inside because it's intolerable outside," Cauble said.
SEE RELATED STORY: Innovative Livestock Services submits permit for cattle facility near Larned
KDHE has drafted a proposed Kansas Water Pollution Control Permit for the facility, which is available on its website.
Although the facility is about 10 miles from Larned, many residents say they will still be affected, especially since other feed yards are already in operation nearby.
One attendee who lives near a feedlot north of Larned said adding another south of town would create more water issues that could affect his children.
"I have a 9-year-old. I want him to be healthy and be able to thrive in his life. If he's going to have all these water issues now, that's going to cause issues for him later," he said.
The attendee went on to share that he received a heart transplant in December and cannot afford to install a new water system.
"I cannot currently shower in my own home because of the water quality, and that's before this new feedlot," he said. "I go into town four to five times a week just to take a shower if people let me."
He adds that he cannot drink his water or wash dishes with it, forcing him to buy cases and gallons to meet basic needs. This expense is one he struggles to afford while out of work.
While many residents voiced opposition and skepticism about KDHE’s ability to protect their community, others showed confidence in the proposed facility and its potential benefits.
One attendee, a farmer who lives about eight miles from the proposed site, said past issues involving Innovative Livestock Services were addressed when they arose.
"When they had dust problems, they fixed it. When they needed water, they pipe water from clear across the river to water the pens down. They are good neighbors," he said.
The attendee added Larned is an agricultural community struggling due to a lack of business, and voiced support for the new feedyard, citing the jobs it would create.
"We've got to do this if we want our community to survive and grow," he said.
A farmer from Rozel who owns land near an existing Innovative Livestock Services facility also endorsed the project, saying he’s confident the new feed yard will implement all necessary safeguards.
"I'm familiar with the dust and smell," he said. "[Innovative Livestock Services] is a tremendous steward of the ground. From what I see, they do everything right. They take care of the ground and the feed yards."
A representative of the Kansas Livestock Association also appeared to show support.
Another opponent lives about a mile from the site, making him one of the closest residents to the proposed facility who attended the hearing.
A father of three, his concern is groundwater contamination. His home is not connected to a rural water district, and he says nitrate levels are allegedly already high near other feedlots.
"I just wish there was a guarantee that there would be a lot less at this new lot, but living so close, I just don't see it," he said.
Cauble and Revello took turns speaking at the hearing. They raised other concerns about the massive amount of manure the facility would produce, weak KDHE regulations, and questionable groundwater depth data and separation distances.
They urged that no permit be approved until existing environmental issues are resolved.
"Rural Kansas' rights to healthy lives and enjoyment of their homes are being sacrificed to produce enormous wealth for distant owners," Revello said.

Guccione did not address public concerns directly during the hearing. All comments were recorded for a formal written response to be released later.
During the informational session, residents were allowed to ask questions about the permit application. Guccione said KDHE’s review is limited to determining whether the application complies with existing state laws and regulations.
The current draft permit does not include groundwater monitoring. However, Guccione said KDHE, Innovative Livestock Service and the Kansas Livestock Association are discussing including it in the final permit for regular testing.
He said odor and dust fall outside the scope of the permit and are not factored into the permitting process.