Hays Post
The Wonder Women League donated dignity bibs, busy boards and books to two Hays long-term care homes this week.
A dignity bib is designed to look like the front of a shirt, most generally for men; however, designs for women are also available. They provide an element of dignity for the residents in that they don’t have to wear a typical bib when eating.
The WWL provided nine bibs, three busy boards and two busy books to the Good Samaritan Society and nine bibs to Ascension Living Via Christi Village.
The busy board and books give elders something to do with their hands. They have ties or latches that elders can manipulate.

According to the league's Elder Care Committee, the boards and books are needed, especially during COVID isolation from families, for those who are suffering from dementia or are having feelings of loneliness.
Elder Care Committee members included Jan Klaus, LaVonne Giess, Sherry Dryden, Marie Froelich, Pat Klaus and Sandee Werth.