Feb 12, 2023

Kansans invited to enroll Vietnam vets in 'Memory Honor Roll'

Posted Feb 12, 2023 11:17 AM
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Courtesy photo

Courtesy Great Bend Post

GREAT BEND — The Wall That Heals will be on display in Great Bend in May and as part of the exhibit, local Vietnam Veterans who died after returning home are eligible to be honored as part of the In Memory Honor Roll display. Since the Vietnam War ended, thousands of Vietnam veterans have suffered due to Agent Orange exposure, PTSD and other illnesses as a result of their service. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund (VVMF) believes all those who served in Vietnam should be honored and remembered for their service.

The In Memory program enables the families and friends of those who came home and later died the opportunity to have them be forever memorialized.

All veterans from Kansas honored through In Memory will have their photos and names on display as part of the mobile Education Center exhibit when The Wall That Heals is in Great Bend from May 11-14, 2023.

“We want to honor as many Vietnam veterans from Kansas as possible," said Larry Parsons, Committee Co-Chair. "If your loved one served in Vietnam, returned home and later died – we want to be able to proudly display their name and photo in our community. We’re asking for the public’s help to identify eligible veterans and get their applications into VVMF so their veteran can be on display in Great Bend."

There is no cost to have a veteran honored and the application process is simple. To honor a loved one, you only need to complete a short application and submit the veteran’s DD214 showing their proof of service in Vietnam, a copy of their death certificate and two photographs. Additional information on the In Memory program and the application form can be found here: www.vvmf.org/inmemory.

In addition to The Wall That Heals display, having a veteran honored through In Memory includes:

• As part of the In Memory Honor Roll, an online personal remembrance page is created for each honoree with their photo and biographical information. Family members can share the page and leave remembrances about their loved one. To see the Honor Roll, go here: www.vvmf.org/Honor-Roll/

• An invitation to In Memory weekend in Washington, D.C., which includes a touching ceremony on the site of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial where each honoree’s name is read aloud. Each applicant also receives a printed personal tribute certificate with their veteran’s photo(s).

The plaque on the grounds of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial site in Washington, D.C. that honors these veterans was dedicated as a part of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in 2004 and a replica plaque is part of The Wall That Heals exhibit. It reads: ‘In Memory of the men and women who served in the Vietnam War and later died as a result of their service. We honor and remember their sacrifice.’

“The impact of the Vietnam War stretches far beyond the 58,281 names on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. More than three million Americans served in Vietnam and an untold number of those who served have suffered from service-connected illnesses. No one knew that when the war ended, Vietnam veterans and their families would still be feeling the effects of their service more than 50 years later. In Memory is our way to honor these Vietnam veterans for the sacrifices they made,” said Jim Knotts, president and CEO of VVMF, the nonprofit organization that founded the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. in 1982 and manages The Wall That Heals and In Memory programs.

For more information on The Wall That Heals visit to Great Bend visit: https://www.exploregreatbend.com/wallthathealsgbks or call the Convention & Visitors Bureau Office at 620-792-2750 for more information.