FHSU University Communications
Fort Hays State University’s Kansas Wetlands Education Center is offering a "Let's Talk Water Science" summer camp for students who have completed grades 7, 8, or 9.
The event – set for Thursday, June 9, and Friday, June 10 – is being co-sponsored by the KWEC, the City of Hays Water Resources Department, Kansas Center for Agricultural Resources and the Environment, and K-State Research and Extension Cottonwood District (Barton and Ellis counties).
Students will get in the water and test the water quality (waders will be provided by the KWEC). Students will collect data on alkalinity, bacteria, dissolved oxygen, nitrates, pH, phosphates, temperature, and turbidity. Campers will also sample the water for aquatic invertebrates and use them to determine water quality.
The first day of camp will be spent at Frontier Park in Hays, and water testing will take place in Big Creek. In the afternoon, campers will tour the City of Hays Wastewater Treatment Plant. In any given year, approximately 25% of the treated water is beneficially used as irrigation water for multiple outdoor recreation facilities.
Day 2 will be spent at Cheyenne Bottoms, the largest wetland complex in the interior of the United States, and at the Kansas Wetlands Education Center near Great Bend. Students will repeat water quality tests and invertebrate sampling in the wetland and compare the results from the previous day. Benefits and functions of wetlands will be studied. The day will include a driving tour of the wetlands in search of wildlife. The 4-H Water Ambassador team will supplement daily activities with hands-on and interactive projects.
Participation is free, and transportation between Hays and Great Bend, as well as all necessary equipment, will be provided. Campers will need to bring a sack lunch and reusable water bottle for each day; snacks will be provided.
Camp will start at 10 a.m. at Frontier Park on June 9. Transportation from the Kansas Wetlands Education Center to Hays will leave at 8:45 a.m. Camp is dismissed at 3:15 p.m.
Campers traveling back to the KWEC should return at 4:30 p.m.
The Friday camp will start at 10 a.m. at Cheyenne Bottoms. Transportation from Hays to Cheyenne Bottoms will leave at 8:45 a.m. from the Cottonwood Extension Office in Hays at 601 Main St. Barton County campers can meet at the KWEC at 9:30 a.m. Camp is dismissed from the KWEC at 3:15 p.m. Campers traveling back to Hays should return at 4:30 p.m.
The KWEC, 592 NE K-156 Highway, is at the southeast side of Cheyenne Bottoms Wildlife Area northeast of Great Bend.
Registration is limited to 12 – six campers from Ellis County and six from Barton County. Registration deadline is May 27.
To register for an event or camp go to: https://forms.gle/cqaCp862fH4QcP9p9 or email Mandy Kern at [email protected] for the link. For more information on the Kansas Wetlands Education Center, visit https://wetlandscenter.fhsu.edu/.