Dec 22, 2021

K-State Research, Extension providing disaster response

Posted Dec 22, 2021 11:45 AM

By Donna Krug
District Director
Cottonwood Extension District – Great Bend office

No doubt you, or someone you know, was affected by the wind storm that passed through our state last week. While the weather predictions earlier in the week were spot on, it was still hard to comprehend what needed to be done in preparation.

The following day a phone call from my regional extension director, who was in the midst of her own property clean-up effort in Lincoln County, was quick to check on the well being of our staff and offices.

Within an hour of that call, I received a call from our director of K-State Research and Extension, making sure we knew of their concern and support. The concern shown by our KSRE administration made me proud to be part of the Extension team.

A few hours later, I received an e-mail from Dr. Hadley with information about behavioral health resource support for those directly affected by the fires in our area. The Kansas Department of Agriculture has agreed to cross list those resources on its site.

A couple of excellent links have been posted on our Cottonwood Extension website if you are in need of any of these relief services.

Kansas Wildfire Recovery Resources December 2021 (

Natural Disasters-Community-Research and Extension (

The KDA website has up-to-date information related to emergency hay distribution, livestock welfare, disposal of disaster debris, specialty crop losses, insurance problems and other topics.

The good news is that you can count on the help and support from Extension to continue. This is not the first time a disaster like this has happened, so we are reaching out to colleagues who have been part of previous wildfire response efforts.

The best way to contact anyone from our Cottonwood Extension team during the next couple of weeks will be to send an e-mail to either of the following addresses: [email protected] or [email protected]

This past weekend, my daughter’s family gave me a bracelet with a message on the inside to “Focus on the positive.” As we celebrate the holidays with our families my hope is that you can look past the many challenges you have experienced this year and focus on the positive. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from The Cottonwood Extension District!

Donna Krug is the District Director and Family and Consumer Science Agent with K-State Research & Extension - Cottonwood District. You may reach her at: 620-793-1910 or [email protected] K-State Research & Extension is an equal opportunity provider and employer.