Hays Post
Veterans Day, November 11, is an opportunity to commemorate the efforts of those who have been in the armed services, with a special emphasis on living veterans.
"Veterans Day was specifically created to honor those whose sacrifices allow the rest of us to live in freedom," said Merle McLaren, Fort Hays VFW Post 9076 member said during the opening prayer at Thursday's annual program.

There are eight remaining Ellis County residents who served in World War II, according to Stan Dreiling, chaplain.
Four of the men, their ages ranging from 94 to 100, attended the ceremony and were specifically recognized by the crowd.
Chris Stegman, post commander, talked about numerous veterans organizations in the community, including American Legion, Sons of the American Legion, American Legion Riders and Patriot Guard, Marine Corps League, Vietnam Veterans of America, Disabled American Veterans, 40 and 8, Military Order of the Purple Heart, and the Fort Hays State University Student Veterans Association.
A new consortium was recently organized with two representatives each from the local veterans groups and meets quarterly.
"We decided this group needs to happen," Stegman said.
The consortium is designed for the groups and members to get to know each other and support their projects and missions.
"Each individual organization basically has the same common goals, same common problems, same common values when we want to address things for our community.
"United, we make a bigger front," Stegman declared.
The VFW Post 9076, 2106 Vine Street, will celebrate its 75th anniversary on January 19, 2021 with state military officials invited.

Guest speaker was Fr. Richard Daise, a retired Army lieutenant colonel, Catholic priest, and a veterinarian. Daise is pastor at St. Joseph Church in Hays.
Early in his priesthood, Daise lived in WaKeeney in order to work with a more experienced.
One of his 10-year-old WaKeeney religion students, "the first time he saw me called me 'Father Lieutenant Colonel Doctor Rich,' that fast and in the proper order. It took me three years to be able to say that fast," Daise joked.
Daise related the qualities of a military veteran's character that were published in the most recent issue of Kansas Living magazine.
"Veterans are bound by virtues of honor, courage, commitment, loyalty and integrity.
"Trust. A critical component for mission success, trust is at the foundation of a veteran's character.
"Accountability. No excuses. Individual accountability is something service members expect of themselves and they take pride in.
"Intense leadership. Expectations begin on day one in the military as is learning how to be a good follower.
"Teamwork. Veterans place the greater good of the team's success over their individual goals.
"Veterans know the meaning of 'I've got your back' and believe in it much more than us - the secular society that we live in."

The trio "Trilogy" provided the musical entertainment just before a free-will spaghetti lunch was served.

UPDATED AT 8:20 a.m. Nov. 12 to reflect Fr. Richard Daise is pastor of St. Joseph Church, Hays.