Hays Post
The Victoria Community Coalition broke ground Sunday on the first phase renovation of the former St. John's Nursing Home in Victoria.
The first phase will include 12 one- and two-bedroom and studio independent senior-living apartments.
The building sat empty for 12 years before the Victoria Community Coalition began raising the $3 million necessary to renovate the building.
The coalition still needs $343,000 to complete the project's first phase.
Volunteers have been demolishing the guts of the former nursing home. Work on the apartments is set to begin in May, with anticipated completion by April 2025.
RDH Electric and Construction will be the contractor on the project.

The coalition will begin taking deposits on the St. John's apartments on June 1. The deposit will be refunded if the resident does not move into the apartment.
Jeff Pfeifer, Victoria Community Coalition chairman, said the coalition is recycling as much as possible during the demolition. He said countless people have volunteered countless hours for the project.
Students from the civics class at Victoria High School have been helping with the demolition.
"If we talk about a community effort, it really is," Pfeifer said. "I'm proud of that piece more than anything else. I'll be pretty proud a year from now when we have these things open.
"Our mission as a VCC is to bring people together for the growth and sustainability of the community of Victoria. That's what we're going to continue doing. We think this project does that."

Ellis County waived landfill fees for the project.
Demolition will continue on the areas for future phases of renovation.
The Ellis County Historical Society plans to renovate the front portion of the building into a museum annex.
The building's roof leaked, causing mold issues. However, the portion of the building that had the most issues with mold has been closed off from the rest of the building.
The coalition is applying for a $500,000 grant for demolition in that portion of the building, Brenda Dreiling, coalition board member, said.
The coalition has secured funding to fix the roof.

"We've done everything we could to get rid of mold, bacteria," Dreiling said. "We have hired some special people to clean the asbestos and mastic off of the floors in this particular area. The housing area is just about ready to go. ... There will be no concerns. We have covered everything — the Department of Health, the EPA. We are going to do it right."
The coalition had a community meeting recently to discuss options for future phases of the renovations.
Some of the ideas included a community meeting room, office space, recreation space for youth, medical services offices, city offices and community space for the seniors in the independent-living apartments.
"What we have now is information," Marilyn Braun, board member, said. "Now I know what I need to be looking for in terms of grants and funds, so we can take that step."
She said the board is still open to suggestions.
"We want to work with the rec commission. We want to work with Herzog Fest. We want to make this one big community," Braun said.

Donations toward the project can be mailed to the Victoria Community Coalition, PO Box 94, Victoria, KS 67671.
Anyone interested in donating can also contact a member of the coalition member board. Board members' contact information is listed below.
Jeff Pfeifer, chairman, 913-904-8618
Brenda Dreiling, vice-chairwoman, 785-735-4141
Marilyn Braun, treasurer, 785-735-4968
Nancy Piatt, secretary
Jim Dreiling