Hays Post
The Hays Post will be publishing a series of profiles introducing the community to the 10 candidates who are running for Hays USD 489 school board.
Those candidates are David Clingan, James Feyerherm, Jayme Goetz, Lori Hertel, Craig Pallister, Allen Park, Ruth Ruder, Duff Watson, Dennis Wilkie and Derek Yarmer.
The Hays Post sent questionnaires to the candidates asking for biographical information and why they chose to run for school board.
Not enough candidates filed for the school board to require a primary. The general election will be Nov. 7. The voter registration deadline for the general election is Oct. 17.
Jayme Goetz
Age: 30
Profession: mathematics instructor at Fort Hays State University
Are you an incumbent? If so, years served? No
Do you have children or grandchildren who attend Hays public school?
Yes, my oldest daughter is going to be a kindergartener at Roosevelt, and my youngest daughter is entering into USD 489's preschool this 2023-24 school year.
Please give a brief bio on yourself in 100 words or less.
Being a lifelong Hays resident, I earned a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, a Master of Science in Education and a Master of Science in Secondary Mathematics Education all from Fort Hays State University. I taught for one year in Ellsworth before coming back home to teach at Hays High for seven years. This past year was my first year teaching at Fort Hays, and I have greatly enjoyed getting involved in all different levels of education. My husband works for Glassman Corporation here in town and I have two daughters in the school district, ages 3 and 5.
Please explain why you are running for school board in 500 words or less.
Growing up here in Hays, my husband and I were both products of USD 489. We were lucky to have been a part of a school system that put emphasis on relationships, rigor and relevance. The skills we obtained from each class were a vital part of our acceptance—and eventual success—at Fort Hays State University. While I did not set out to be a math teacher, after graduating from FHSU, I decided I wanted to provide the same kind of support and inspiration that I received while growing up, so I accepted a position at Ellsworth Junior/Senior High. After spending one year in Ellsworth, I returned home to teach at Hays High for seven years before accepting a position at Fort Hays as an instructor. Because of my extensive time spent in differentiated levels of education, I have seen firsthand how quality instruction can benefit our students and, consequently, our community.
As a potential board member, I look forward to working together to strengthen and unify our board. I strive to collectively come to agreements that benefit our students, staff members, community and district stakeholders. By improving relations with our district stakeholders, we can continue to ensure that USD 489 meets their mission of providing a quality learning experience for every student every day. Part of that means ensuring a positive work environment for those charged with educating our kids. With the recent bond passing, I am very excited that our staff and students will have improved facilities to foster a growth mindset, as well as keep them safe. I also believe in the importance of transparency and clear communication to members of the community who entrust their children and hard-earned tax dollars to this district. Each decision that comes through the board impacts someone in our community, and I feel it is our responsibility to research and ask questions to help us better understand our options in order to select the best one.
Hays is an amazing place to live. Our community fosters growth, encourages safety, and has a hometown feel that you can’t get anywhere else. As a potential school board member, I want to ensure that USD 489 continues to be the best place for our kids to learn and grow in the state of Kansas.