Nov 20, 2022

🎥 Veterans Day in Hays thanks six remaining local WWII vets

Posted Nov 20, 2022 12:01 PM

For Hays Post

As residents awoke on the recent Veterans Day, 1,400 American flags were being placed in residential yards and at businesses throughout Hays. The popular fundraising project is undertaken by nearly 40 members and volunteers of the local Kiwanis Club. They start at daylight and remove the flags as the sun sets.

There are currently six known World War II veterans living in Ellis County. Four of the men were honored during the Nov. 11 event Each man is in his late 90s or a centenarian.

They are Robert Pfeifer, 95, Army; Don Bickle, Sr., 95, Navy; Dan Hoffman, who will celebrate his 100th birthday in March, Navy; Arris Johnson, 101, Army, Warren Hall, 101, Navy; and Al Dreiling, 102, Army.

Several Ellis County World War II veterans were honored by the Hays VFW Post 9076 on Veterans Day. Pictured are Bob Pfeifer, age 95, Warren Hall, 101, Don Bickle, Sr., 95, and Al Dreiling, 102. (Photo courtesy Guy Windholz)
Several Ellis County World War II veterans were honored by the Hays VFW Post 9076 on Veterans Day. Pictured are Bob Pfeifer, age 95, Warren Hall, 101, Don Bickle, Sr., 95, and Al Dreiling, 102. (Photo courtesy Guy Windholz)
Navy veteran WWII Dan Hoffman, age 99, Ellis County. (Courtesy photo)
Navy veteran WWII Dan Hoffman, age 99, Ellis County. (Courtesy photo)
Ellis County Army WWII veteran Arris Johnson, 101, Hays. (Courtesy photo)
Ellis County Army WWII veteran Arris Johnson, 101, Hays. (Courtesy photo)
Stan Dreiling, VFW Post 9076 Honor Guard (Photo by Guy Windholz)
Stan Dreiling, VFW Post 9076 Honor Guard (Photo by Guy Windholz)

Stan Dreiling, Hays, has headed the VFW Post 9076 Honor Guard for military funerals since 1972. Since January 1 of this year, Dreiling has overseen 39 military funerals.

Over the years, the local military honor guard has conducted 1,400 funerals at grave sites when requested or given permission by the family to be present at these funerals. They have fielded requests from other families that have taken place in nearby communities outside of Ellis County and have been seen at the Kansas Veterans Cemetery in WaKeeney on some occasions.

Guest speaker  Crystal Hendricks, Air Force veteran.  (Photo by Guy Windholz)
Guest speaker Crystal Hendricks, Air Force veteran.  (Photo by Guy Windholz)

Various speakers spoke at the gathering inside of the VFW Hall.

Most touching, and producing moist eyes by many that attended, was the guest speaker, Crystal Hendricks of Hays. Hendricks is an Air Force military veteran, along with her husband and brother, having served in combat zones overseas. Her grandfather was the most inspirational figure in her life, she told the crowd, alluding to his military experience in World War II.

Post Commander Chris Stegman provided the greetings and introductions of speakers and called for audience members having served in the military to stand and be recognized for their various branches of service.

Voice of Democracy contestants Savannah Clingan, Mariella Dreiling, and Tristan Legleiter. Dreiling was the winner and will move on to the state competition.  (Photo by Guy Windholz)
Voice of Democracy contestants Savannah Clingan, Mariella Dreiling, and Tristan Legleiter. Dreiling was the winner and will move on to the state competition.  (Photo by Guy Windholz)

Following her presentation, Mariella Dreiling was announced as the winner of the Voice of Democracy contest and spoke on behalf of Savannah Clingan and Tristan Legleiter who all will be entered into the state competition. They were introduced by the VFW Auxiliary Commander Kathy Schupman.

Demonstrating the 13 folds of the American flag presented at funerals (Photo by Guy Windholz)
Demonstrating the 13 folds of the American flag presented at funerals (Photo by Guy Windholz)

Bob Munsch, Marine Corps League, assisted by Peter Unrein and Fred Weilert demonstrating the 13 folds of the American flag presented at funerals.

Members of the Hays VFW include Merle McLaren and Gary Albrecht who have served in both the Korean and Viet Nam wars.

Four musical numbers were suang by local talent Bob Dreiling, which was well received by the audience.

A special thank you to Stan Dreiling for his help in providing the military information and accurate listing of names by those who were mentioned.