Aug 20, 2024

FHSU Foundation welcomes four new members to its board of trustees

Posted Aug 20, 2024 9:14 AM

FHSU Foundation

The Fort Hays State University Foundation welcomes four new members to its board of trustees – Clint Albers, Eric Brown, Daryl Craft, and Dr. Gary Fredrickson.

“Our board of trustees continually show up in support of FHSU’s future,” said FHSU Foundation President and CEO Jason Williby. “These members are some of our greatest advocates and are devoted to the university through and through. We’re excited to have these individuals on our board.”

Clint Albers ’99, ’01, Olathe

As an educator and administrator for more than 20 years, new board member Clint Albers instills the importance of an education in those he encounters. Since graduating from FHSU with a bachelor's in physical science, secondary education, and a master’s in education administration, Albers has held several roles in public high schools in Hays and Olathe, from a physics and chemistry teacher to principal and now assistant superintendent.

Albers and his wife, Dawn, a two-time FHSU alumna, have two children, Sydney and Lakin.

Eric Brown ’05, Salina

Business-minded and driven, Eric Brown utilizes his FHSU education to enhance the communities and businesses he works in. Originally from Brewster, Kansas, Brown graduated from Fort Hays State University with a bachelor's in communication studies and a master’s from Kansas Wesleyan University in business administration. Brown brings 15 years of economic development, leadership, board management, and consultant experience to the board of trustees. Most notably, he served as President and CEO of the Salina Area Chamber of Commerce and represented more than 800 businesses and organizations. In his current role as Hutton's North-Central Kansas Business Development Manager, he works closely with private owners, municipalities, institutions, and non-profits across Northern Kansas to bring their design and construction vision to life.

Brown’s wife, Danielle, is also an FHSU graduate. They have two children and reside in Salina.

Daryl Craft ’74, Lawrence

Daryl Craft is returning to the FHSU Foundation board of trustees after his previous term ended in 2022. Craft’s prior board experience is only part of what makes him a valuable addition to this group. Utilizing his bachelor’s degree in business administration from FHSU allowed him to build decades of expertise as a certified trust and financial manager, president of the Association of Independent Trust Companies, and President of the Kansas Bankers Association Trust Division. Craft was also the founder, president, and CEO of GTrust Financial Partners for 25+ years prior to retirement.

Craft looks forward to returning to the board of trustees for another term and sharing his expertise to improve the lives of FHSU students.

Dr. Gary Fredrickson ’77, Clay Center

Dr. Gary Fredrickson is returning to the board after a previous term from 2009-2016 and looks forward to working with the Foundation once again. After graduating from FHSU with a Bachelor of Science, he served as a dental provider for more than 42 years and will retire this fall. Fredrickson opened his first clinic in 1982 after earning his dental degree from the University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine. From 1982 until 2020, he operated private dental clinics across Kansas, in his hometown of Oberlin and Smith Center. Fredrickson currently works for Konza Prairie Community Health Center in Junction City and Manhattan and immensely enjoys helping his patients.

Outside the clinic, Fredrickson is an avid music lover who plays the organ for his church and enjoys spending time with his grandchildren. He and his wife, Sarah, have two children.  

Annual Business Meeting

The Foundation board of trustees is comprised of 45 members total, each serving a four-year term. Serving on the board is more than honorary. These individuals actively participate in a variety of activities, contributing to the educational and financial success of the university and FHSU Foundation.

Board of trustee members come from diverse education and industry backgrounds. They represent all five academic colleges at FHSU and are spread throughout the United States from California and Texas to Connecticut and Nevada.

Albers, Brown, Craft, and Fredrickson will join members of the FHSU Foundation board of trustees next week for the organization’s annual business meeting. During their time on campus, trustees will get an inside view of what’s new at Fort Hays State by touring Stroup Hall and envisioning the possibilities coming to life through its expansion, hearing more about Forsyth Library’s renovation progress, and learning more about cadaver lab updates coming to Albertson Hall.